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發布時間: 2024-04-11 17:41:29

㈠ 九年級上冊英語知識點外研版【三篇】

#初三# 導語: 要想學好英語,就必須學好英語知識點,下是 整理的九年級上冊英語知識點外研版【三篇】,希望對大家有幫助。

1. They go as fast as they can.
as…as sb. (one) can = as …as possible 盡可能地……
I will work as hard as I can. 我將盡可能努力工作。
He ran as fast as he could. 他拚命地跑。
Please come here as soon as you can. 請盡悄穗者快來這里。
2. We call the first Olympic Games the "ancient" Olympics.
call sb. / sth. +n. 稱呼某人/某物……,後面的名詞作賓語補足語。
例:We call the boy DaMao. 我們稱呼那個男孩大毛。
We chose him our monitor at yesterday's class meeting.
I find him a clever boy. 我覺得他是個聰明的孩子。
3. It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an American swimmer, had finished at the same time.
It seems that +從句
seem to be +adj.
seem +adj.
例:Danny seemed excited. (Danny seemed to be excited.)
seem to do sth.
例:When his wife's pet cat died, Alan didn't seem to care at all.
4. Diving is one of the most popular events at the Olympics.
one of… ……其中之一,後常加級及名詞復數。例:
Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world.
5. Make your country proud. 使你的國家因你而自豪。
proud作賓語補足語,修飾賓語your country;
make the bed 鋪床 make tea 沏茶
make mplings 包餃子 make a car 製造族陪汽車
be made of 由……製成
make sb. /sth. +n. 使某人/某物成為……
made sb. /sth. +adj. 使某人/某物如何……
make sb. /sth. do 使某人/某物做某事
名詞/形容詞/do (不定式,省to),作賓語補足語。
6. …his team came in twentieth. 他的隊第二十名。
twentieth 第二十
ninety→ninetieth fifty→fiftieth
7. We had such an interesting day at school today.
這句話也可以說成:We had so interesting a day at school today.
It is so interesting a film that we all want to see it once more.
Thanks a lot for sending me such beautiful pictures by e-mail!
He is so weak that he can't work on.
8. If I don't. I won't be able to sleep tonight.
I'll go to the park with my friends if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
9. If he practises walking on pizzas, he'll do better next time.
finish, enjoy, practise, keep, mind後常加動名詞作賓語。例:
You'd better practise speaking English both in and after class.
英語名詞分可數的和不可數兩種。可數名詞指一般動物和事物,如「Man/ friend/ driver/ student/ dog/ cat/ boat/ egg/ gun/ hand/ head/ lamp/ road/ table/ car 」等等。
可數名詞有兩個數,即單數和復數。單數名詞可以和不定冠詞「 a/ an」或其他名詞限定詞(determiners)連用;復數名詞可以和數目詞,如「many/ a few/ some/ a lot of」等連用。
不可數名詞指物質名詞(material nouns)和抽象名詞( abstract nouns),如:「air/ butter/ grass/ money/ sand/ water/ carefulness/ joy/ peace」等等。不可數名詞可以和數量詞,如「much/ a little/ little/ a great amount of」等連用。不可數名詞只有單數,沒有復數「-s」的形式。
有些人對名詞數的概念不很清楚,對數目詞(expressions of number)和數量詞(expressions of quantity)也有些混亂,結果把數目詞用在不可數名詞之前或隨意在不可數名詞後面加上復數詞尾 「-s」,這些都是語法上的錯誤。例如:
① Our workshop has ordered some new equipments from Germany.
雖然有些人把 equipment(配備)當成可數名詞,但是它是不可數的,不可有「-s」。
② My teacher gave me some sound advices. 應該是「advice」。
③ Do you have any special informations for me? 「Information」才對。
④ Most furnitures in my house are made of wood. 應該是「furniture……is……」
⑤ Today, I have many new works to do. 必須是「a lot of new work」才是。
⑥ Don't walk on the grasses. 應該用「grass」。
⑦ Our foreign students have made great progresses in their studies. 「Progress」(進步)不可數;不可有「-es」。
⑧ All his money are kept in the bank. 「Money」(金錢)屬不可數名詞;動詞要單數的「is」。
首先,必須牢記不可數名詞絕對沒有復數形式。其次,隨時准備些數量詞,如「much/ little/ some/ a little/ a lot of/ plenty of」等,以便在必要時和不可數名詞連用。最後,謹記:謂語動詞必須和主語的數目一致。既然不可數名詞沒有復數形式,那麼謂語動詞若是簡單現在時態(simple present tense),現在進行時態( present continuous tense)或現在完成時態(present perfect tense)的話,就必須以單數形式出現。例如:
⑨ Bread is sold in coffee shops and supermarkets.
⑩ His luggage is somewhere at the railway station.
1. Some money is being used to help the poor.
2. The information required includes personal particulars and the present salary.
3. A lot of time has been spent on this project.
4. Hypocrisy gives rise to mistrust.
5. Familiarity breeds contempt.
1. --- Excuse me, have you got …?
--- Yes, I have. (Sorry, I haven』t.)
2. --- Why don』t you …?
--- Thanks, I will.
3. --- Thanks a lot. (Thank you very much.)
--- You are welcome.
4. --- Have you ever done…?
--- Yes, I have, once. (No, never.)
5. --- I』ve just done…
--- Really?
6. ---What』s …like ?
7. --- How long have you been…?
--- Since…
8. --- Have you ever been to…?
--- I』ve never been there. (None of us has./ Only …has. )
9. --- Would you like to have a try?
--- I don』t think I can…
10. --- What have you done since…?
11. --- How long have you been at this …?
--- For…
12. --- How long has she/ he worked there…?
--- She』s / He』s worked there for… / all her / his life.
13. --- I』m sorry he isn』t here right now.
14. --- May I help you?
15. --- That』s very kind of you.
16. ---Could we go scuba diving?
17. --- Could you tell us how long we』re going to be away?
18. --- Let』s try to find some information about it, OK?
19. --- Could you please tell me how to search the Internet?
20. --- Go straight along here.
21. ---Please go to Gate 12.
22. --- Please come this way.
23. --- Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island?
24. --- That sounds really cool!

㈡ 初三英語知識點外研版



所謂垂懸結構(The Dangling Construction)就是一個 句子 成分,如分詞 短語 ,不定式動詞短語等,找不到被修飾的主語或被修飾的對象不合邏輯。垂懸結構是種錯誤的句法,應該避免。

下面是三種常見的垂懸結構及其改正 方法 :


①Climbing up the hill, several boars were seen.

這句子里的現在分詞短語(present participial phrase)修飾主語「several boars」是錯的;改正方法有二:

(a)確定是邏輯主語,使句子變成「Climbing up the hill, the explorers saw several boars.」

(b)把現在分詞短語擴大為副詞分句(也稱狀語從句):「When the explorers climbed up the hill, they saw several boars/ several boars were seen.」


After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.

這句的副詞短語(adverb phrase)和主語「the fish」有什麼邏輯關系呢?真正的邏輯主語應該是「the fisherman」或「the angler」才對。改正方法:

(a) After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fisherman found that the fish began to bite.

(b) After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.

九年級英語 知識點外研版












not only…but also(不但,而且)




①and 與or;②both …and兩者都;③not only…but ...as well as=not only...but also不但…而且;④neither…nor意思為"既不……也不……"謂語動詞採用就近原則,與nor後的詞保持一致。






Test----exam words----vocabulary

Excited----exciting amazing----surprising

sometimes----sometime----some times----some time

for example----such as----like begin with----to begin with

maybe----perhaps----probably affect----influence



1.ask…for… 2.speaking skills

3.ask…about… 4.not…at all

5.get excited about 6.end up

7.make mistakes 8.first of all

9.to begin with 10.later on

11.be afraid of 12.laugh at

13.make sentences 14.take notes

15.write down 16.make sure

17.deal with 18.look up

19.make up 20.worry about

初三英語知識點外研版相關 文章 :

★ 九年級英語外研版知識點

★ 外研社九年級英語上冊必考重點內容

★ 七下英語知識點外研版

★ 高中外研版英語知識點歸納

★ 外研社高中必修三英語知識點

★ 高一英語必修一知識點總結外研版

★ 外研版九年級上英語基礎測試題

★ 初三英語學習方法指導與學習方法總結

★ 外研版高中英語必修的知識點

㈢ 九年級上學期英語課文知識點外研版


所謂垂空冊伏懸結構(The Dangling Construction)就是一個句子成分,如分詞短語,不定式動詞短語等,找不到被修飾的主語或被修飾的對象不合邏輯。垂懸結構是種錯誤的句法,應該避免。



①Climbing up the hill, several boars were seen.

這句子里的現在分詞短語(present participial phrase)修飾主語「several boars」是錯的;改正方法有二:

(a)確定是邏輯主語,使句子變成「Climbing up the hill, the explorers saw several boars.」

(b)把現在分詞短語擴大為副詞分句(也稱狀語從句):「When the explorers climbed up the hill, they saw several boars/ several boars were seen.」


After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.

這句的副詞短語(adverb phrase)和主語「the fish」有什麼邏輯關系呢?真正的邏輯主語應該是「the fisherman」或「the angler」才對。改正方法:

(a) After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fisherman found that the fish began to bite.

(b) After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.


To write well, a lot of practice is needed.

To be a loyal employee, a sense of belonging is a must.

這兩個句子的不定式動詞短語(infinitive phrases)並不能修飾「practice」和「a sense of belonging」,真正的主語必須是「 人」,如:

(a) To write well, one needs a lot of practice/a person has to practise a lot.

(b) To be a loyal employee, he or she must have a sense of belonging.


第一,獨立結構(The Absolute Construction,見3月7日《中英合談》)中的分詞短語有自己的主語,所以不是垂懸結構。例如:

Such being the case, we can go home now./……it is not wrong to call it a day.


Owing to a lack of funds, the project has to be discontinued.

Provided that there is sufficient time, everyone can do the job better.


Judging from his facial look, the news must have been terrible.

Taken as a whole, there is nothing wrong with the logic behind that idea.













not only…but also(不但,而且)




①and 與or;②both …and兩者都;③not only…but ...as well as=not only...but also不但…而且;④neither…nor意思為"既不……也不……"謂語動詞採用就近原則,與nor後的詞保持一致。








Do you think (that) it will rain? 你認為天會下雨嗎?

He said (that) he could come on time. 他說他會准時來的。



Let us know whether / if you can finish the work before Friday.


I don』t care whether you like the story or not.


(3)特殊疑問詞what/ when/ where/ who等引導的賓語從句:

此類賓語從句原來是特殊疑問句,變成賓語從句後要用陳述語序,由wh-開頭的疑問詞引導。包括who, whom, whose, what, which等連接代詞和where, when, how, why等連接副詞,這些引導詞有各自的意思,在從句中要作相應的成分,不能省略。例如:

Could you tell me which gate we have to go to?


He didn』t tell me how long he would stay here.



疑問詞是疑問代詞「who, whom, what, which, whose」和疑問副詞「when, where, how, why 」。此外,連接詞「whether」也適用。



When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided.

Where to live is a problem.

How to cope with the rising cost of living becomes a daily discussion topic.


We must know what to say at a meeting.

He could not tell whom to trust.

Do you know how to play bridge?


The problem is where to find the financial aid.

The question is who to elect.


Tom had no idea which book to read first.

Do you have a rough impression how to do it?


Jim is not sure whose to choose.

Mary and John are not certain whether to get married or not.

適用於「疑問詞+不定式動詞」的動詞包括:「know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, remember, think, wonder, understand」等。


I could not decide which dictonary to buy. / I could not decide which dictionary I should buy.

Jack did not know where to find such a good teacher./ Jack did not know where he could find such a good teacher.

有些動詞,如「ask, show, tell, advise, inform, teach」等,可以先有個賓語,然後才接著加上適當的「疑問詞+不定式動詞」 結構。例如:

The chief technician showed the apprentice how to repair the machine.

Have you told him where to get the application form?


㈣ 九年級英語外研版知識點

知識就是幸福,因為擁有知識,這意味著能夠分辨真實目的與虛假目的、崇高事物與卑下事物。下面我給大家分享一些 九年級英語 外研版知識,希望能夠幫助大家,歡迎閱讀!



1. in time 及時

2. fall off 從……摔下

3. pay attention 留意,注意

4. side by side 肩並肩

5. all the time 總是,時時刻刻

6. climb out 爬出來

7. pick up 撿起

8. get worse 變得更糟

9. in great pain 處於巨大的痛苦中

10. call people 給人們打電話

11. play music 播放音樂

12. take photos 照相

13. look at 看

14. start with 以……開始

15. make sure 確定

16. next to 在……旁;挨著

17. get hurt 受傷

18. take off 起飛

19. make a quick decision 做出快速的決定


1.stand for是.......的縮寫;代表

2. train for 為……訓練

3. playagainst和......比賽

4. beat sb.打敗某人/團隊 win the match /prize 贏得比賽/獎品

5. if mymemory is correct 如果我沒記錯的話

have a good/bad memory 記憶力 好/差

6. make a decision做決定 decision n.

7. That』s no excuse. 那不是借口。

8. no way決不;不可能

9. face the truth 面對事實

10. have nochance to do sth. /

have no chance of doing sth. 沒機會做某事

11. rememberto do sth. = don』t forget to do sth.

記得做某事 = 不要忘記做某事

12. be madat/ with sb. = be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

She is mad at me forbeing late.

be mad on/about sb./sth. 特別喜歡某人或某物

She is mad about kids.

be angry at /about sth. 對某事生氣

13. nicework= good joy = well done做得好

14. cheerfor sb. 為某人加油

cheer sb. up 讓某人開心/振作起來

15. successn. 成功 succeed v. successful adj. successfullyadv.

16.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事

be encouraged to dosth. 被鼓勵去做某事

17. the highjump 跳高 jump high 跳得高

18. have theability to do sth. 有做某事的能力

have the ability indoing sth.有能力做某事

19. setup 建立,成立

20.among 在…中間(三者或三者以上)

21. at thesame time 同時

22.break the record 打破紀錄

23. use sth.to do sth. 使用某物去做某事

24.at the same time同時

25. in fact事實上,實際上

26. from now/then on 從現在/那時起

27. suffer …from…患(病),受(某病)折磨

28. It is a pitythat 令人遺憾的是

29. stop sb.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

30. a symbolof… …的象徵

a symbol of courage and success 勇氣和成功的象徵

31. continue to do sth.= go on to dosth.; continue doing sth. = go on doing sth. 繼續做某事

32. takepride in...以.......為驕傲

33. preparefor...為......做准備 prepare…for…為…准備…

I am preparing for the party.

I have to prepare enough food for the guests.

34. first ofall 首先,起初(強調次序)

above all 首要的是,最重要的是(強調要引起特別注意)


1. rememberto do sth記得去做某事

2. just todo只為做........

3. want sb.to do sth.想讓某人做某事

4. hadbetter do sth.最好做某事

5. It is apity that... ......是個遺憾

6. stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

7. continueto do sth.繼續做某事

8. advisesb. to do sth.建議某人做某事

9.It\'s+形容詞+to do sth.做某事是......的

10. need todo sth需要做某事



01. borrow [?b?r??] v. 借入,借來

02. put up 張貼,公布

03. website [?websa?t] n. 網站

04. mail [me?l] n. 郵件,信件

05. textbook [?tekstb?k] n. 教科書,課本

06. mainly [?me?nli] adv. 大部分地,主要地

07. thousands of 好幾千,成千上萬

08. page[pe?d?] n. 頁,一頁(紙)

09. electronic [??lek?tr?n?k] adj.電子的

10. technology [tek?n?l?d?i] n. 科技,技術

11. powerful [?pa??fl] adj. 有影響力的,能控制他人的

12. memory [?mem?ri] n. 存儲器,存儲量

13. full [f?l] adj. 満的,充滿的

14. fix [f?ks] v. 修補,挽救

15. instructions [in?str?k??nz] n.[復數] 說明書

16. lend [lend] v. (把某物)借出,借給(某人)

17. properly [?pr?p?li] adv. 合適地,正確地

18. look through 快速閱讀 ,瀏覽

19. printing [?pr?nt??] n. 印刷

20. at a time 每次,一次

21. by hand 用手,靠手做

22. development [d??vel?pm?nt] n. 發展,進步

23. trade [tre?d] n. 買賣,交易

24. result [r??z?lt] v. (因…而)產生,發生

25. spread (spread, spread)v. 擴展,蔓延,傳播

26. in a way 從某一角度,從某一點上看,在某種程度上

27. compare … to … 把…比作

28. introction [??ntr??d?k?n] n. 引進,採用,推行

29. amount [??ma?nt] n. 量,數量

30. store [st?:] v. 存儲,儲藏

31. varied [?ve?rid] adj. 各種各樣的,各不相同的

32. form [f?:m] n. 種類,類型,形態,存在形式

33. connection [k??nek?n] n. 電話連接,計算機網路連接

34. single [?s??gl]adj. 僅一個的,單個的

35. direction [d??r?k??n] n. 方向

36. replace[r??ple?s] v. 替換,取代

37. wait and see 等等看,等著瞧


1. to some degree在某種程度上

2. put up掛;張貼;公布;舉起;搭起;

3. on theschool website在學校網站上

4.take goodcare of好好照顧;好好看管

5. wait forweeks 等好幾個星期

6. hear from sb. 收到某人的信

7. send andreceive photos and emails 發送和接收相片和郵件

8. I wonder= I want to know 我想知道

9. in the future 在將來 in the past 在過去

10.thousands of 數以千計的;成千上萬的

11. electronictechnology 電子技術

12. morepowerful 更有效

13.anyway 不管怎樣

14. Here itis . 它在這。

15. an empty memory card 一張空白的存儲卡

16. read theinstructions 看說明書

17. lendsth. to sb. 把某物借給某人 borrow sth. fromsb. /sp. 從某人/某地借某物

18. use itproperly 正確使用它

19. Buy anewspaper read a newspaper

20. bereplaced by被......取代

21. lookthrough 快速閱讀;瀏覽

22. go tosleep 入睡;睡著

23. in those days 在那個年代

24. at atime 每次;一次

25. by hand 用手;靠手做

26. as aresult 結果;因此 as a resultof 由於;因為

27. developv. 發展→ n. development

28. make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人/某物處於某種狀態 The bad news makesher sad.

29. in a way從某一點上看;在某種程度上

30. compare …to… 把…比作/看作

31. anamount of + 不可數名詞大量的

32. Varied /all kinds of各種各樣的

33. wait andsee 等等看;等著瞧

34. give/make areport 做 報告

35. keepaway from 遠離

36. hundredsof millions of +復數名詞數億的....

37. doresearch 做調查

38. searchfor搜尋;搜查

39. write tosb. = write a letter to sb.結某人寫信

40. what』smore 而且,更重要的是

41. not all…並非所有的……都(部分否定)

42. communicatewith 與……聯系

43. in the near future 在不久的將來


1. lend sth. to sb. 把某物借給某人

2. promise sb.to do sth. 承諾某人做某事

3. allow sbto do sth 允許某人干某事

4. instead ofdoing sth. 代替做某事

5. It seems+(that)從句 看起來好像......

6. startto do sth.開始做某事

7. need todo sth. 需要做某事

8. not與all連用表示「並不是所有的都」

9. It』s +形容詞+to do sth.做某事是....的

10. tell sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事

11. learn todo sth學做某事

12. in the序數詞century在......世紀



factory [?f?ktri] n. 製造廠,工廠

pollute[p??lu:t]v. 污染

recycle [?ri:?sa?kl] v. 回收利用,再使用(廢品)

waste[we?st] n. 廢料,廢棄物

enemy[?en?mi] n. 敵人,仇人

crop[kr?p]n. 莊稼,作物

kill [k?l] v. 殺死,弄死

oil [??l] n. 石油

less[les] adj. &n. 較少的,較小的;較少數,較少量

hopeless[?h??pl?s]adj. 無望的

china[?t?a?n?] n. 瓷,瓷器

divide[d??va?d]v. 分開

plastic [?pl?st?k] n. &adj. 塑料(的)

policy[?p?l?si]n. 政策,方針

reuse[?ri:?ju:z]v. 再次使用,重復利用

bottle[?b?tl]n. 瓶

throw away 扔掉,丟棄

repeat[r??pi:t]v. 重說,重新做

rece[r??dju:s]v. 減少,減低,縮小

cloth[kl?θ] n. 布,布料

ton[t?n] n. 噸

tons of 許多,很多

rubber[\'r?b?] n. 橡膠

recycling[?ri:\'sa?kl??] n. 回收利用

rapid[?r?p?d] adj. 快速的,迅速的

step[step] n. 步驟, 措施

grandson [?gr?ns?n] n. (外)孫子

granddaughter[?gr?nd?:t?] n. (外)孫女


1. spread over cities and villages 遍及城市和鄉村

2. be a danger to 對……有傷害

3. so many + 可數名詞復數 so much + 不可數名詞 這么多的……

4. It』s no use/good doing sth. 做某事是沒用的

5. Collect waste收集廢品

6. nice idea = good idea 好主意

7. save energy 節約能源

8. cause pollution 引發污染

9. turn off the lights 光燈

10. ask for sb. 找某人,求見某人 ask for sth. 要某物 ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物

11. What …do with…? How … deal with…? 怎樣處理…?

12. divide …into… 把…分成…

13. throw away 扔掉

14. be harmful to sb. /sth. = do harm to sb. /sth. 對某人/某物有害

doharm for sb. to do sth. 對某人來說做某事有害

15. ifpossible = if it is possible 如果可能

16. change...into = turninto把......變成......

17. tons of 大量的,許多的

18. make a change 作出改變

19. hope for sth. 期待/盼望某事

20. take steps to do sth. 採取措施做某事

21. Make a policy for 為……制政策

22. try one』s best to dosth. 盡某人最大努力做某事

23. protect theenvironment 保護環境

24. Plant trees 種樹,植樹

25. clean up 打掃,清理

26.such a short time 這么短的時間


1. so much+不可數名詞 那麼多

2. It』s nouse doing sth. 做某事是沒有用的

3. What...do with...?.......怎樣處理......?

4. If possible如果可能



here we go我們這就看看

central [\\'sentr?l] 中心的,在中心的

according to根據按照,據……所說

magical [\\'m?d??kl] 神奇的,迷人的

height [ha?t] 高度

sailing boat 帆船

northeast [\\'n?rθ\\'ist] 在東北的

sheep [?i?p] 羊,綿羊

hat [h?t] 帽子

keep(kept kept)使保持

keep sb/sth away避開

fly [fla?] 蒼蠅

scissors [\\'s?z?z] 剪刀

cut sth off sth.把某物從某物上剪掉

wool [w?l] 羊毛

diary [\\'da??r?] 日記 ,日記簿

keep a diary 寫日記

hate [he?t] 憎恨,討厭

ant [?nt] 螞蟻

brush [br??] (用刷子)刷

brush sth off sth把某物從某物上刷掉

at the time 那時,在那段時間

be surprised at對……感到驚奇

period [\\'p??r??d] 階段時期

spirit [\\'sp?r?t] 精靈,神靈,精神

relationship [r?\\'le??(?)n??p] 關系

relative [\\'rel?t?v] 親戚

ham [h?m] 火腿

salad [\\'s?l?d]色拉

grape [gre?p] 葡萄

surf [s??f] 沖浪

kangaroo [,k??g?\\'ru?] 袋鼠

riding [\\'ra?d??] 騎馬(運動)

lazy [\\'le?z?] 懶惰的,懶散的

ride [ra?d] 騎馬,乘車


1. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事

2. Write a letter to sb. 給某人寫信

3. here we go我們這就去看看,我們開始吧

4. in central Australia 在澳大利亞中部

5. according to 根據;按照

6. the local people 當地居民

7. a special and magical place 一個特殊而神奇的地方

8. What』s its height? 它的高度是多少?

9. lie off/ to /in /on 位於

10. sheep farmers 牧羊人

11. keep sb. /sth. away 使某人/某物不靠近

12. cut sth. off sth. 把某物從某物身上剪掉

13. That』s why… 那就是…的原因

14. That』s because… 那就是因為…

15. Keep a diary 寫日記

16. brush sth. off sth. 把某物從某物身上刷掉

17. at the time = at that time 在那時

18. at the moment現在;此刻

19. Sb. be surprised at sth.某人對…感到驚奇

20. ring different periods of the day 在每天的不同時代

21. have a close relationship with … 與…關系密切

22. in many ways 在許多方面

23. grow grapes 種葡萄

24. lie in the sun 躺在陽光下

25. The sun is very bright. 陽光明媚

26. in the fields 在田野里

on the hill 在小山上

27. go horse riding 去騎馬

28. far behind 與......相差很遠

29. be /get used to doing sth. 習慣做某事

usedto do sth. 過去經常做某事

30. be proud to be 以是…而自豪

31.get alon/on sb.與某人相處


1. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

2. write a letter to sb.給某人寫信

3. keep sb. /sth. away 使......避開,使 ......不靠近

4. brush sth. off sth. 把某物從某物上刷掉

5. be going to+動詞原形 將要.......

6. show sb sth=show sth to sb 把某物給某人看

7. use sth to do sth 用某物做某事

8. enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事

9. one of +名詞復數 ......之一



bet (bet, bet) [bet] v. 打賭,下賭注

you bet 的確,當然,一定

the thing is 答案是,問題是

general [?d?enr?l] adj. 整體的,普遍的

standard [?st?nd?d] n. 標准,水準

feeling [?fi:l??] n. 感覺,直覺看法

difficulty [?d?f?k?lti] n. 困難,困境

subject [?s?bd??kt] n. 主題

add [?d] v. 添加

recently [?ri:sntli] adv. 最近,近來

menu [?ri:sntli] n. 菜單

be in with a chance 有可能,有機會

tonight [t??na?t] adv. (在)今晚,(在)今夜

read out 朗讀,宣讀

winner [?w?n?] n. 獲勝者

compared with (與…)相比

even though 即使,盡管

rush [r??] v. 沖,奔

blouse [bla?z] n. 女襯衫

skirt [sk?:t] n. 裙子

protect sth. against sth. 保護…,使…..不受

singer [?s???] n. 歌手,歌唱家

congratulations [k?n?gr?tj?'le???nz]n. [復數]祝賀

headmaster [?hed?mɑ:st?] n. 男校長

present [?preznt] v. 授予,呈遞


1. take photos拍照

2. You bet. = sure = of course = certainly 當然

3. the thing is 重要的是

4. the general standard 整體標准

5. I have a feeling that 我有種感覺

6. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困難

7. It doesn』t matter. 沒關系

8. for the first time 第一次

9. be in with a chance to do sth. = be inwith a chance of doing sth. 有機會做某事;

have a chance to do sth. = have a chance ofdoing sth.

10. more than + 形/副詞 = very 非常

more than happy = very happy 非常開心

11. read out 宣讀

12. be pleased with 對......感到滿意

13. compared with… 與…相比(作狀語)

14. even though = even if 盡管(引導讓步狀語從句)

15. give prize to sb. 給某人頒獎

16. protect…against /from… 保護…免受…

17. a group of 一群;一組

18. congratulations to sb. 向某人祝賀

congratulations on sth. 為某事祝賀

congratulate sb. on sth. 為某事向某人祝賀

congratulate v. 祝賀

19. thanks to sb. = say/ give thanks to sb.向某人表示感謝

thanks to = because of 幸虧;由於

20. welcome sb. to do sth. 歡迎某人做某事

21. Present the prizes to sb. 給某人頒獎

22. enter the competition 參加比賽

win the competition 贏利比賽

23. far (away) from離......遠,遠離

24. Would /Do you mind sb. / one』s doing sth.? 你介意某人做某事嗎?

Would you mind me / my opening the window? 你介意我打開窗戶嗎?


1. Why don』t you do...?為什麼不做

2. What about doing sth.?做某事怎麼樣

3. be sorry to do sth.對做某事感到抱歉

4. protect +賓語+against保護......;使......不受

5. manage to do sth.設法做某事

6. congratulations to sb.祝賀某人

7. start doing sth. 開始做某事

8. begin to do sth. 想要做某事

9. want to do sth. 想要做某事

10. be used to doing sth.習慣於干某事

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Unit 1 How can we become goodlearners?

短語 總結 :

1. good learners 優秀的學習者

2. workwith friends 和朋友一起學習

3. studyfor a test 備考

4.haveconversations with 與……交談

5.speakingskills 口語技巧

6.alittle 有點兒

7.atfirst 起初 起先

8.the secret to......, .......的秘訣

9.becauseof 因為

10.aswell 也

11.lookup (在詞典中等)查閱;抬頭看

12.sothat 以便,為了

13.themeaning of ……的意思

14.makemistakes 犯錯誤

15.talkto 交談

16.dependon 依靠 依賴

17.incommon 共有的

18.payattention to 注意關注

19.connect……with ……把……聯系。

20.for example 例如

21.thinkabout 考慮

22.evenif 即使 盡管 縱容

23.lookfor 尋找

24.worryabout 擔心擔憂

25.makeword cards 製作單詞卡片

26.askthe teacher for help 向老師求助

27.readaloud 大聲讀

28.spokenenglish 英語口語

29.givea report 作 報告

30.wordby word 一字一字地

31.so……that 如此……以至於

32.fallin love with 愛上

33.something interesting 有趣的事情

34.takenotes 記筆記

35.howoften 多久一次

36.alot of 許多

37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力

38.learning habits 學習習慣

39.be interested in 對……感興趣

40.getbored 感到無聊

41.begood at 在……方面擅長

42.be afraidof 害怕

43.eachother 彼此互相

44.insteadof 代替而不是


1. by doing sth 通過做某事

2.it+be+adj+to do sth 做某事是……的

3.finishdoing sth 完成某事

4.whatabout doing sth?做某事怎麼樣?

5.tryto do sth 盡力做某事

6.the +比較近,the+比較近 越……,就越……

7.findit+adj+to do sth 發現做某事

8.beafraid of doing sth 害怕做某事

9.helpsb (to) do sth 幫助某人做某事

10.practice doing sth 練習做某事

11.keepdoing sth 一直做某事

12.beafraid to do sth 害怕做某事

13.beginto do sth 開始做某事

14.want to dosth 想要做某事

15.needto do sth 需要做某事

16.rememberto do sth 記得做某事


18.shoot at(瞄準)射


Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


1.puton 增加(體重)發胖

2.careabout 關心在乎

3.enp 最終成為,最後處於

4.notonly ……but also……不但……而且……

5.shootdown 射下

6.usedto do 過去常常做……

7.remindsb. of 使某人想起

8.giveout 分發 發放

9.thewater festival 潑水節

10.theChinese spring festival 中國 春節

11.nextyear 明年

12.soundlike 聽起來像

13.eachother 互相彼此

14.inthe shape of 以……的形狀

15.onmid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

16.flyup to 飛向

17.layout 擺開布置

18.comeback 回來

19.as aresult 結果因此

20.mother』sday 母親節

21.moreand more popular 越來越受歡迎

22.thinkof 想起認為思考

23.dressup 裝扮穿上盛裝

24.the importance of ……的重要性

25.make money 掙錢

26.inneed 需要幫助 處於困境中

27.between……and…… 在……和……之間

28.thedragon boat festival 龍舟節

29.thelantern festival 元宵節

30.likebest 最喜歡

31.goto ……for a vacation 去……度假

32.besimilar to 與……相似

33.wash away 沖走洗掉

34.mid-autumnfestival 中秋節

35.shootdown 射下

36.callout 大聲呼喊

37.thetradition of ……的傳統

38.atnight 在夜裡在晚上

39.one……,the other……一個……,另一個…

40.Father』sday 父親節

41.haveto 必須 不得不

42.playa trick on sb 捉弄某人

43.the spirit of ……的精神

44.careabout 關心

45.wakeup 醒來

46.thebeginning of ……的開始


1.感嘆句式一:What+(a/an) +adj+名詞(+主語+謂語+其他)!多麼……的……

感嘆句式二:How+adj/adv+主語+謂語+其他! ……多麼……!

2.in+時間段 在……後

3.givesb. sth. 給某人某物

4.planto do sth 計劃做某事

5.refuseto do sth 拒絕做某事

6.oneof +名詞復數形式……之一

7.it+is+名詞+動詞不定式(to dosth)做某事是…

8.what…think of…?認為…怎麼樣?

9.makesb do sth 讓某人做某事

10.usedto be 過去是……

11.warnsb(not) to do sth告誡某人做某事

12.tellsb(not)to do sth 告訴某人做某事

13.decideto do sth 決定做某事

14.promiseto do sth 承諾、答應做某事


Unit3 Could you please tell me where therestaurants are?


1.a pair of 一對,一雙,一副

2.between A and B在a和b之間

3.on one』s / the way to 在去……的路上

4.pardon me 什麼,請再說一遍

5.pass by 路過經過

6.look forward to 盼望期待

7.excuse me 打擾了 請原諒

8.get some magazines 得到一些雜志

9.get some information about 獲取有關……的一些信息

10.turn left ight 向左向右轉

11.go past 經過路過

12.a little earlier 早一點兒

13.a good place to eat 一個吃飯的好地方

14.in different situation 在不同的情況下

15.on time 准時 按時

16.get to 到達

17.have dinner 吃晚餐

18.on one』s / he right在右邊

19.come on 快點 請過來

20.the shopping center 購物中心

21.the corner of....... 的角落/拐角處

22.lead into 導入 引入


1.not ……· until……直到……猜……

You never know until you try something.

2.let』s do sth 咱們做某事吧!

3.spend time doing sth 話費時間做某事

4.thank sb for doing sth 為做某事而感謝某

5.would liketo do sth 想要做某事

6.look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

7. It seems(that)…

It seems a rockband plays there every evening.

8. Could youplease tell me... ?

Could you please tell me how to get to thepost office?


① take somefood

take some medicine (=have吃,喝)

② take notes做筆記

③ take one』s temperature ( 測量)

④ It takes sb sometime/money to do something (花費,需要)

⑤ I』ll take thiscoat.(=buy購買)

⑥ take somebody /something to (帶領,拿去,取)

⑦take a train toChongqing (乘坐) ⑧take off(脫下)

10.turn 的用法

turn to page 80 翻到

It is your turn.輪到你了。

at theturning 在轉彎處

turn on/ off/ up/down 關

turn right/ leftat the first turning /crossing


Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.


1.used to do 過去常常做

2.deal with 對付應付

3.be proud of 為……驕傲,感到自豪

4.take pride in 為……感到自豪

5.from time to time 時常,有時

6.in public 公開地

7.in person 親身,親自

8.take up sth開始做,接受,佔用

9.not……anymore 不再

10.worry about 為……擔憂

11.hang out 閑逛

12.think about考慮

13.be alone 獨處

14.on the soccer team 在 足球 隊

15.no longer 不再

16.make a decision 做決定

17.to one』s surprise 令某人吃驚的是

18.even though 盡管

19.pay attention to 對……注意,留心

20.in the last few years 在過去的幾年裡

21.be afraid of 害怕

22.turn red 變紅

23.tons of attention 很多關注

24.be careful 當心

25.give up 放棄

26.a very small number of …極少數的……

27.give a speech 作演講

28.all the time 一直總是

29.be interested in 對……感興趣

30.change one』s life 改變某人的生活

31.take care of 照顧

32.one of……,……之一


1.used to do sth 過去常常做某

2.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事

3.have to do sth 必須做某事

4.make sb do sth 讓某人做某事

5.give up doing sth 放棄做什麼

6.try to do sth 盡力做某事

7.adj+ enough to do sth 足夠…而能夠做某事

8.be prepared to do sth 准備做某事

9.see sb doing sth 看見某人在做某事

10.begin to so sth 開始做某事

11require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

12.decide todo 決定做某事

13.make a decision to do sth 決定做某事

14.It』s hard to believe that …很難相信……

15.It +has+been +一段時間+ since+從句 自從……以來已經有多長時間了

16.dare to do sth 敢於做某事

17.It』s adj+ for sb+ to do sth對某人來說做某

18.take up doing sth 開始做某事


Unit5 What are the shirtsmade of ?

一. 短語歸納

1.be made of 由...製成的(表示製成成品後,仍可看出原材料是什麼)

2.be made from 由...製成的(在成品中已無法辨認原材料)

3.beknown for 以...聞名

4.beused for 被用於...

5.nomatter 不論;無論

6.becovered with 用...覆蓋

7.asfar as i know 據我所知

8.byhand 用手

9.begood for 對……有益

10.onthe last friday of each month最後一個星期五

11.begood at 擅長

12.makehigh-technology procts 製造高科技產品

13.theearth』s surface 地球表面

14.manydifferent kinds of 許多不同種類的

15.flya kite 放風箏

16.such as 例如

17.accordingto 根據按照

18.askfor help 請求幫助

19.asymbol of ……的象徵

20.put……on…… 把……放在……上

21.be used for 被用於做……

22.good luck 好運

23.at avery high heat 在高溫下

24.bemade in 在……製造的

25.befamous for 以……著名

26.onthe sides of mountains 在山腰上

27.trafficaccident 交通事故

28.a kite festival 風箏節

29.befrom 來自

30.turn……into ……把……變成……

31.sendout 放出

32.introuble 處於困境中

33.rise into 上升 上漲

34.papercutting 剪紙

35.be used by 被……使用

36.ring the spring festival 在春節期間

37.skylanterns 孔明燈

38.allover the world 全世界


1. no matter +what/ when / where =whatever / whenever / wherever 「無論什麼/什麼時候/哪裡」

2. it放在find / found 後做形式賓語的用法

3. It seems that +從句 「好像……」

4. 4.buy sb.sth.=buy sth for sb 給某人買某物

5.avoiddoing sth 避免做某事

6.allowsb to do sth 允許某人做某事

7.wantto do sth 想做某事

8.learnto do sth 學會做某事

9.Ittakes + sb. +一段時間 + to do sth做某事花費某人多長時間

10.tryto do sth 盡力做某事

九年級上冊英語知識點相關 文章 :

★ 初三英語九個語法知識點

★ 九年級上冊英語知識點

★ 九年級上冊英語知識點

★ 九年級上學期英語知識點總結

★ 初三英語知識點歸納與學習方法

★ 九年級英語知識點復習

★ 九年級英語重點短語

★ 初中九年級英語知識點總結

★ 最新九年級上學期英語課文知識點外研版

★ 最新九年級英語語法知識點總結大全

㈥ 外研社九年級英語上冊主要講了什麼語法知識點


1. What are you up to? 你在做什麼?
2. Would you like a hand …? 你想要幫忙嗎?
3. have a look at … 看一看…
4. in the centre of …. 在…的中央
5. on our way back from… 在我們從…回來的路上
6. I bet you do! 我打賭你會做到的。
7. only once + 句子 只有在…的條件下才行
Unit 2
1.take a helicopter tour
take/ go on a… tour 表示進行…旅途
goon a camel ride 騎駱駝旅遊
2. be surprised at sth. 對某事感到驚訝
Tom wassurprised at the result of the exam.
be surprised todo sth. 對做某事感到驚訝
Tom wassurprised to hear the news.
3. at different times of the day 在每天的不同時刻
4. in many ways 在很多方面
They are likeus in many ways.
in differentways 用不同的方法
I can work out this math problem indifferent ways.
ina way 在某種程度上來說
Ina way,that can be compared with the introction of the Internet in the 20thcentury.
by theway 順便說一下
5. be similar to 與…相似
Hisanswer is similar to mine.
6. have a good/bad temper
Miss Li is very kind. She has a good temper.
7. keep doing sth. 不斷做某事
It keepsraining these days.
Mole8 Unit 1
1. at the back/front 在後面/前面
on the left/right 在左邊/右邊
2. over 越過
climb over the wall 爬過這道牆
see over the people 越過人群看
3. enter the competition
=take part in the competition 參加比賽
4. You bet! (口語)當然!
5. get sb. doing sth.
= make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
How did you get thecamera working?
= How did you makethe camera work?
6. How did you get on? 你進展怎樣?
get on well with sb. 與某人相處融洽
get on well with sth. 某事進展順利
He gets on well with his classmates.
Mary didn』t get on well with her work.
7. be in with a chance to dosth.
= have a chance to do sth. 有機會去做某事
8. have gone = bemissing
= be lost = get lost 不見了,失蹤了
My watch has gone.
=My watch is missing.
= My watch is/gets lost.
9. You are kidding! 你在開玩笑吧!
10. expect to do sth. 期待,料到去做某事
11. pick up sth. 撿起某物
pick up sb. 接人
My father picks me up everyday.
Unit 2
1. be pleased with sb./sth.
2. even though + 句子
= even if + 句子
I won』t go to the party even though/ifI have time.
though = although
I didn』t go to the party though/although Ihad time.
3.read on 繼續讀
動詞+on 表示繼續做某事
4.know … well 對…熟悉
5. manage to do sth. 設法去做某事
We managed to get what we wanted.
6. a collection of 一組…
7. work on sth. 從事…
8. Congratulations tosb. 祝賀某人
9. present the prize 頒獎
give prizes to sb. 給某人頒獎
which, who 引導的定語從句
Mole9 Unit 1
1. Oh dear! 天啊!
2. It』s no laughingmatter.
3. over there 在那邊
4. have a word with sb. 和某人說句話
5. That』s good news. 這是個好消息。
可以加量詞 a piece of news
two pieces of news
6. Here you are. 給你。
7. be in deep trouble 有大麻煩
Unit 2
1. orange-and-white 黃白相間的
black-and-white 黑白的
2. win the heard of … 贏得…的心
3. a group of 一群…
4. He eats as many peachesas he likes.
as … as possible 盡可能…
as early as possible 盡早
5. make a mess 弄得一團糟
6. ever since + 句子 自從…
7. translate … into … 把…翻譯成…
8. have sth. done (bysb.)
We hadthe machine mended.
He hashad his hair cut.
在一般疑問句後加or …構成選擇疑問句。
--Are you in Class 1 or Class 2?
--I』m in Class 1.
/I』m in Class 2.
/Neither, I』m in Class 5.
10. 在定從中,當先行詞是人和事物時,關系代詞只能用that。如:
I often think of thepersons and things that I saw in the journey.
1. 當先行詞是everything, anything,nothing, something, all, none, few, little, 等代詞時,只能用that。如:
Have you taken down everythingthat Mr. Li said?
All that can be done hasbeen done.
2. 當先行詞被序數詞和形容詞最高級修飾的時候,只能用that。如:
The first place that theyvisited in London was the Big Ben.
This is the best film thatI have ever seen.
3. 當主句有who, which等疑問詞時,定從只能用that引導。如:
Who is the man thatis standing over there?
Which is the T-Shirt thatyou bought?
4. 當先行詞是人和事物時,關系代詞只能用that。如:
I often think of the persons and things thatI saw in the journey.
Mole 10Unit 1
1. a bit + 形容詞= a little 形容詞
I』m a bit tired. =I』m a little tired.
a little + 不可數名詞
a bit of + 不可數名詞
There is a littletime left.
= There is a bit oftime left.
2. give up 放棄
give up doingsth. 放棄做某事
My father gaveup smoking 2 years ago.
3. stay fit = keep fit 保持健康
4.need to do sth. 需要做某事
5. take exercise 做運動
exercise 表示「鍛煉」時是不可數名詞,
doing morning exercise 做晨練
do eye exercise 做眼操
These maths exercises arevery difficult.
6. go running 去跑步
go swimming 去游泳
go sightseeing 去觀光
7. talk to sb. 跟某人說話
talk with sb. 跟某人交談
8. nearly adv. 幾乎,差不多
Nearly 300 students entered thecompetition.
The car nearly hitthe man.
9. not … any more 不再…
10. bump into sb. 碰見
I bumped into an old friendyesterday.
Unit 2
1. know about 了解
2. include v.包括
including 介詞. 可以做伴隨狀語
Your ties includedoing the cleaning and cooking.
Manypeople like pop music including my grandpa.
3.persuade sb. (not) to do sth.
My father persuadedme not to join the club. 爸爸勸說我不要參加那個俱樂部。
4.ban … from … 禁止…進入…
ban … fromdoing sth. 禁止…做某事
Mobile phonesmust be banned from schools. 應該禁止帶手機進入學校。
The policemanbanned him from driving.
5. a TV programme showed his visits to theschool. 一個電視節目播放了他的這次學校之行。
(這里visit是名詞,後面的to the school是定語)
6. get/have sth. done 把某物給…了
get things done 把事情做了。
I』ll have/get my computerrepaired.
7. put on weight 增加體重
loseweight 減肥
8. in order todo sth. 為了…
What do yousometimes have to do in order to get fit?
There is a boy in our team.
The boy』s parents want him to go to a
sports school.
--- There is a boy in our team whoseparents want him to go to a sports school.
1)He is the only student in our class
whose father is a policeman.
2)The desk whose leg is broken will
be repaired.
Mole 11
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
2. 11—20
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen
nineteen twenty
3. 幾十
twenty thirty forty fifty
sixty seventy eighty ninety
注意:four要去掉u再加ty; nine直接加ty
4. 幾十幾
twenty-six ninety-seven
5. 百位數和十位數之間可以加and也可以不加。當十位數為零時,一定要加and
156 one hundred (and) fifty-six
509 five hundred and nine
6. 英語里每三個數為一個單位,用一個逗號隔開。第一個逗號為thousand(千);第二個逗號為million(百萬);第三個逗號為billion(十億)。如:
7. 表示具體數字時,hundred,thousand million,billion不能加s;表達一個大概的數字時,可以加s fivethousand students 五千個學生 thousandsof students 好幾千個學生
8. 序數詞的構成;在基數詞後加th
特殊變化的序數詞: first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth
9. 整十的數字把y改為ie再加th twentieth fiftieth
10. 幾十幾的數字只用把個位數變成序數詞 twenty-first sixty-fourth
1/3 one third
1/2 a half
1/4 one fourth = a quarter
3/10 threetenths
Mole11 Unit 1
1. What』s the population of…?
Thepopulation is big/large.
2. along with = togetherwith
Tintinhas been to many places along with his dog.
3. look up 查看,查(字典)
I』ll lookup the word in the dictionary.
4. comp up 出現,進行
He cameup at last.
Thesports meeting will come up next month.
5. thanks to 多虧
Thanksto the policeman, the boy was found.
thanksto = because of 由於
Unit 2
1. over + 時間 表示「在…期間」
overthe last 50 years 在上個50年間
over the past 10 years 在過去的10年間
2. in the distance 在遠處
3. be close to … 靠近…
4. no + 單數名詞= not a +單數名詞
No + 復數名詞 = not any + 復數名詞
Thereis no student in the classroom.
= Thereisn』t a student in the classroom.
Thereare no clouds in the sky.
= Therearen』t any clouds in the sky.
5. room 作可數名詞時表示「房間」
Thereare 3 rooms in my house.
Thereis little room for the desk.
6. close down 關閉,倒閉
7. add to 增加
8. run 可以表示「經營,管理」
runa company 經營一個公司
run acity 管理一個城市
9. protect … from …
protect people fromcrime
Mole12 Unit 1
1. give a warm welcome to sb.
welcome 既可以做動詞也可以做名詞
Let』s welcome Tomto our class.
2. be pleased/happy to do sth.
3. as a pupil = when I was a pupil
4. my time here was very important.
The people thereare very friendly.
5. free adj. 自由的,有空的,免費的
The bird is free inthe sky.
Are you free thisSunday?
The food there is free.
6. each 表示「每個」
做形容詞時等於every,但each 強調「個體」,every 強調「整體」。如:
Each/Everystudent has an English book.
(用every student 表達相當於 all the students )
They earned 100dollars each.
7.watch sb. do sth. 觀看某人做某事
Unit 2
1. experience n. 經驗(u.n.),經歷(c.n.)
experience v. 體驗
experienced adj. 有經驗的
He has much experiencein teaching.
Please tell me your experiencesin Africa.
Have you ever experiencedpoorness?
He is an experiencedteacher.
2. up to + 數字 直到,至多
We can invite up to 20people.
3. progress 進展(不可數名詞)
makeprogress with/in sth.
I』ve made progresswith/in English.
4. take place 發生, 進行(沒有被動語態)
The story took place on acold winter morning.
The training course will takeplace next week.
5. choose to do sth. 選擇去做某事
6. a place of interest
Howmany places of interest have you been to?
7. fill in 填寫
fill in the blanks 填空
fill in the form 填表
fill sth. with sth. 用…裝滿…
8. where 引導的定從
當先行詞在定從中做地點狀語時,用where來引導。where = 介詞+which。如:
Do you know the factory whereyour father works?
= Do you know the factory whichyour father works in?

㈦ 九年級上冊英語知識點



Unit6 When was it invented ?

一. 短語 歸納

1.It's my pleasure.= My pleasure. 我的榮幸

2.seem+to+動詞原形 好像做某事

3.such a great invention 如此偉大的一項發明

4.think of = think about 想到,考慮

5.in our daily lives 在我們的日常生活中

6.in my daily life在我的日常生活中

7.have a point 有道理

8.by accident 偶然地,意外地

9.over an open fire 在篝火上

10.it mentioned that 它提到

11.It is said that 據說

12.It is believed that人們相信

13.fallinto(過去式fell into)=drop into掉進…

14.inthe 19th century 在19世紀

15.spreadto other countries 傳播到其他國家

16.ata low price 以很低的價格

17.bring(brought)sth. to sp.把某物帶到某處

18.allof a sudden 突然地

19.lessthan少於,不到 more than = over 超過

20.withoutdoubt 毫無疑問

21.atthat time 在那時

22.advisesb (not) to do sth建議某人(不要)做某事

23.startdoing sth 開始做某事

24.workon sth 致力於某事

25.(be)similar to 與……相似

26.theOlympics 奧運會

27.bymistake 錯誤地,無意地

28.makea mistake 犯錯


30.inthe end = at last = finally 最後

31.atthe same time 同時

32.teach(taught)sb to do sth 教某人做某事

33.come up with 想出

34.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事

35.the purpose of ……的目的

36.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

37.look up to sb.欽佩某人

38.look up the word 查找單詞

39.work together 一起工作

40.I want to achieve my dream.我想實現夢

41.My dream will come true.我的夢想會實現

42.work hard 努力工作

43.on a hard floor 在堅硬的地板上

44.lead to導致 leader 領導,引路人

45.Don't mention it.不客氣,不用謝


47.beused for doing sth=be used to do sth

48.dreamof doing sth 夢想做某事


1.be used to do 被用來做某事

be used as 被用作…

be used by sb. 被某人使用

2. help sb do sth.=help sb. to do sth. 幫助某人做某事

3. make a decision to do sth.=decide to dosth.決定做某事

4. make sb. + adj. 使某人怎麼樣

make sb do sth使某人做某事

be made to do sth 被使喚去做某事

5..in this way這樣,用這種方式


Unit7 Teenagers should beallowed to choose

their own clothes.


1.gethis driver』s license 取得駕駛執照


3.sixteen-year-olds 十六歲的人sixteen-year-old十六歲的

4. be worried about=worry about 擔

5. have part-time jobs 做兼職工作

6. get one』s ears pierced 打耳洞

7. get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做……

8. stop doing sth 停止做某事

9. stop to do sth. 停下來去做某事

10. spend time with sb. 花時間和某人在一起

11.take photos, take a photo 照相

12.use a flash 使用閃光燈

13.all night 整夜

14.stay by my side 呆在我身邊

15.make sure = be sure 確保,確定

16.keep sb. (away) from sth使某人遠離某物

17. hurt oneself 傷害某人自己

18. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 擁抱某人

19.lift sb.up 舉起某人

20. cough badly 劇烈地咳嗽

21. talk back 回嘴

22. an alt 一個成人

23. think back to 回想起

24. regret doing sth. 後悔做了某事

25. make one』s own decision 做某人自己的覺得

26.too + adj.+ to do sth. 太…而不能做某事


28.agree with sb 同意某人的觀點

29.disagree with sb. 不同意某人的觀點

30.move out 搬出去

31.take care of = look after=care for 照顧

32.manage one』s own life 管理自己的生活

33.manage to do sth 努力完成某事

34. that is why 那就是為什麼…

35.continue to do sth繼續做某事

36. take a test參加考試

37.pass the test通過考試

38.fail the test考試不及格

39.be strict with sb in sth在某方面對某人要求嚴格

40.get in the way of妨礙…

41.a running star一個跑步明星

42.a professional runner一個專業的跑步運動員

43.grow up長大

44.allow sb. to do sth.允許某人做某人

45.should be allowed to do sth. 應該被允許去做某事

46.have nothing against doing sth.不反對做某事

47.succeed in doing sth.成功做某事

48.fail to do sth. 做某事失敗

49.end up with 以…結束 end upas 最終成為

50.practice doing sth.練習做某事

51.see sb. do sth. 看見某人做了某事

52.spend time on sth.在某事上花時間

spend time in doing sth在做某事上花時間

53. care about sb.關心某人

54.talk with sb. about sth.和某人談論某事

55.make a choice做選擇

56.have a chance to do sth.有機會去做某事


1.She is a sixteen-year-oldgirl.=She is sixteen years old.

2. allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事(主動語態)

be allowed to do sth. 被允許做某事(被動語態)

Mother allows me to watch TV every night.

LiLy is allowed to go to America.

3. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞


get sth. done(過去分詞)

have sth. done

I get my hair cut. == I have my hair cut.

4. enough 足夠

形容詞+enough 如:beautiful enough足夠漂亮

enough+名詞如:enoughfood 足夠食物

enough…to 足夠…去做…

例:I have enough money to go to Beijing. 我有足夠的錢去北京。

She is old enough to go to school.她夠大去讀書了。

5. stop doingsth. 停止做某事Please stop speaking.

stopto do sth. 停止下來去做某事Pleasestop to speak.

6. 系動詞用法:系動詞+adj

常用的系動詞有:look, feel, be, become, get,turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept等。連系動詞除be和become等少數詞可接名詞作表語外,一般都是接形容詞。

例:They are very happy.

He became a doctor two years ago.

She felt very tired.

The grass turns green.

7. get in the way of 礙事,妨礙

例:Her social life got in the way of her studies.

8. ① also 用於句中

I also like apples.

② either用於否定句句末

I don』t like apples, either.

③ too 用於肯定句句末

I like apples, too.


Unit 8 It must belong to Caral


1. belong to… 屬於…

2. toy truck 玩具卡車

3. her favorite writer 她最喜愛的作家

4. the only little lid唯一的小孩

5. listen to pop music聽流行音樂

6. hair band 發帶

7. attend a concert 參加音樂會

8. in the music hall 在音樂大廳

9. something valuable 貴重的東西

10.go to a picnic=go for a picnic去野餐

11. at the picnic在野餐時

12. the rest of my friends 我其餘的朋友

13. pick it up 撿起,拾起

14. each other=one another 互相,彼此

15. nothing much沒什麼(事)

16. something unusual不尋常的東西

17. something strange奇怪的事

18. anything else 其它 的東西

19. be interviewed by… 被…采訪

20. strange noises 奇怪的聲音

21. outside our window在我們的窗外

22. next-door neighbor隔壁鄰居

23. at first 首先,起初

24. run away 逃走

25. feel uneasy 感到不安

26. have no idea=don』t know 不知道

27. go away 走開,離開

28. noise-maker 噪音的製造者

29. have fun doing sth.做某事開心

30. create fear製造恐懼

31. in the neighborhood 在社區

32. There must be …doingsth. 一定有…在做某事

33. in the laboratory 在實驗室

34. hear water running聽見流水聲

35. cough a lot 咳得厲害

36. run after追趕

37. a woman with a camera 一位拿相機的婦女

38. at work 在工作

39.might be late for work 可能上

40. must be dreaming一定在做夢

41. run for exercise跑步鍛煉

42. run to do sth. 跑著去做某事

43. catch a bus 趕公共汽車

44. make a movie 拍電影

45. wear a suit 穿西服/套裝

46. express a difference / result表達差異 / 結果

47. add information 添加信息

48. at the same time 同時

49. a rock circle 一個石頭圈

50. not only …but also…不僅…而且…

51.Britain』s most famoushistorical places英國最著名的的歷史名勝

52.receive more than 10 visitors 接待10多名遊客

53.on the longest day of the year 在一年中最長的那天

54. ancient leaders古代領導者

55. a group of… 一群…

56.. a bit late 有點晚兒

57. communicate with the gods 與上帝交流

58 so many centuries ago許多世紀前

59. point out 指出

60. a kind of calendar 一種日歷

61. put together 放在一起

62. in a certain way 以某種方式

63. on midsummer』s morning 在仲夏的上午

64.shine directly into… 直接照進…

65. the center of the stones石頭的中心

66. a medical purpose 一個醫學目的

67. prevent illness 阻止疾病

68. move up 上升,提升

69. from your feet move up your body 從你的腳上升到你的身體

70. the position of… …的位置

71.for a special purpose 為了一個特別的目的

72. a burial place 一個墓地

73. a place to honor ancestors 祭拜祖先的地方

74.celebrate a victory over an enemy 慶祝戰勝敵人

75. a long period of time 很長一段時間


Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to


1.dance to (music) 隨著(音樂)跳舞

2.sing along with 隨著…一起唱

3. musicians who play different kindsofmusic彈奏不同類型音樂的音樂家

4. electronic music 電子音樂

5. not much 沒什麼(事)

6. suppose sb to do sth. 猜想某人做某事

7. be supposed to do sth 應該做某事

8. suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以為…

9. have spare time 有空閑時間

10. in one』s spare time在某人的空閑時間

11. spare the time to do sth 抽時間做…

12. a film director 一名電影導演

13. think too much 想太多

14. in that case 既然那樣

15. World War II 第二次世界大戰

16. smooth music 悅耳的音樂

17. prefer A to B 比起B來更喜歡A

18. prefer doing A to doing B

19. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

20. feel like doing sth 想要做某事

21. stick to 堅持,固守

22. be down 悲哀,沮喪

23. cheer sb up 使… 高興/ 振奮

24. have a happy ending 有個美滿的結局

25. try one』s best to do sth. 盡某人最大努力做…

26. less serious 不那麼嚴重

27. a good way to do sth 做某事的好辦法

28. make me feel even sadder 讓我感覺更傷心

29. provide plenty of information about a certain subject 提供了大量的關於某個


30. shut off my brain 關閉我的大腦

31. in time 及時

on time 按時/准時

32. once in a while 偶爾的,有時

33.write one』s own lyrics 自己寫歌詞

34.sing the words clearly歌詞唱的清楚

35. take sb to sw.帶某人去某地

36. Chinese folk music 中國民間音樂

37.be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的

38 move sb.感動某人, sb. be moved by…

39. strangely beautiful 異常的/出奇的美

40. sense a strong sadness and pain 感覺到一種強烈的傷感和痛苦

41.one of the most moving pieces of mus 最令人感動的樂曲之一

42. look up 查看,查閱

43. be written by sb. 由/ 被…寫的

44. in the city of… 在…市

45. play many musical instruments 彈奏很多的樂器

46. by age 17 到17歲的時候

47. be known for musical ability 因音樂才能而出名

48. develop a serious illness 得了一種很重的病

49. become blind 成了盲人,變瞎

50. for several years 幾年

51. make money 賺錢

52. get married (to sb) (和某人)結婚

53. continue to do sth. 繼續做某事

54. perform in this way用這種形式表演

55. ring/ in one』s lifetime在某人有生之年

56. by the end of… 到…末為止

57. It』s a pity that… … 遺憾的是…

58. in total 總共

59. be recorded for the future worldtohear 被記錄下來供後人聆聽

60. the great erhu masters 很棒的二胡大師

61. master a foreign language 掌握一門外語

62. praise …for… 因為…贊美

63. China』s national treasures中國的國家珍寶

64. paint a picture of…描繪了一幅…畫

65. recall one』s deepestwounds 喚起某人最深的傷痛

66. painful experiences 痛苦的經歷

67. a time for spreading joy 傳播快樂的時間



1. have conversation with sb. 同某人談話

2. too…to… 太……而不能

3. the secret to… ……的秘訣

4. be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

5. look up 查閱

6. repeat out loud 大聲跟讀

7. make mistakes in 在……方面犯錯誤

8. connect ……with… 把……和……連接/聯系起來

9. get bored 感到厭煩

10. be stressed out 焦慮不安的

11. pay attention to 注意;關注

12. depend on 取決於;依靠

13. the ability to do sth.. 做某事的能力


1. by + doing 通過……方式(by是介詞,後面要跟動名詞,也就是動詞的ing形式)

2. talk about 談論,議論,討論

The students often talk about movie after class. 學生們常常在課後討論電影。

talk to sb= talk with sb 與某人說話

3. 提建議的 句子 :

①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎麼樣?(about後面要用動詞的ing形式,這一點考試考的比較多)

如:What/ How about going shopping?

②Why don't you + do sth.? 你為什麼不做…?

如:Why don't you go shopping?

③Why not + do sth. ? 為什麼不做…?

如:Why not go shopping?

④Let's + do sth. 讓我們做…...吧。

如:Let's go shopping

⑤Shall we/I + do sth.? 我們/我...…好嗎?

如:Shall we/I go shopping?

4. a lot 許多,常用於句末。

如:I eat a lot. 我吃了許多。

5. too…to... 太…...而不能

常用的句型:too+形容詞/副詞+ to do sth.

如:I'm too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什麼都不想說。

6. aloud, loud與loudly的用法,三個詞都與「大聲」或「響亮」有關。


②loud可作形容詞或副詞。用作副詞時,常與speak, talk, laugh等動詞連用,多用於比較級,須放在動詞之後。

如:She told us to speak a little louder. 她讓我們說大聲一點。


如:He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不當眾大聲談笑。

7. not…at all 一點也不,根本不

如:I like milk very much, but I don't like coffee at all. 我非常喜歡牛奶,但是我一點也不喜歡咖啡。

not經常可以和助動詞結合在一起,at all 則放在句尾。

8. be/get excited about sth. 對…...感到興奮

9. ① end up doing sth 終止做某事,結束做某事

如:The party ended up singing. 晚會以 唱歌 而結束。

② end up with sth. 以…結束(注意介詞with)

如:The party ended up with her singing. 晚會以她的歌唱而告終。

10. first of all 首先(這個短語可用在 作文 中,使得 文章 有層次)

11. also 也、而且(用於肯定句)常在句子的中間

either 也(用於否定句)常在句末

too 也 (用於肯定句)常在句末 (它們三個的區分要清楚,尤其要知道用在什麼句子中以及各自的位置)

12. make mistakes 犯錯

如:I often make mistakes. 我經常犯錯。

make a mistake 犯一個錯誤

如:I have made a mistake. 我已經犯了一個錯誤。

13. laugh at sb. 笑話;取笑(某人)(常見短語)

如:Don't laugh at me! 不要取笑我!

14. take notes 做筆記,做記錄

15. enjoy doing sth . 喜歡做…,樂意做…(這是一個非常重要的考點)

如:She enjoys playing football. 她喜歡踢 足球 。

enjoy oneself 過得愉快

如:He enjoyed himself. 他過得愉快。

16. native speaker 說本族語的人

17. make up 組成、構成

18. one of +(the+ 形容詞最高級)+名詞復數形式 : …其中之一(這一題主要考兩點,一是最高級,一是名詞復數,大家做題的時候要小心)

如:She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受歡迎的教師之一。

19. It's +形容詞+(for sb. ) to do sth (對於某人來說)做某事…

如:It's difficult (for me ) to study English. 對於我來說 學習英語 太難了。

句中的it 是形式主語,真正的主語是to study English。

20. practice doing 練習做某事 (practice後面接動名詞,這一點有可能考到)

如:She often practice speaking English. 她經常練習說英語。

21. decide to do sth. 決定做某事(重要考點,大家需要記住decide後面跟的是不定式,也就是to do)

如:LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已經決定去北京。

22. unless 如果不,除非,引導條件狀語從句

如:You will fail unless you work hard. 假如你不努力你就會失敗。

23. deal with 處理 如:I dealt with a lot of problem.

24. worry about sb./ sth. 擔心某人/某事

如:Mother worried about his son just now. 媽媽剛才擔心他的兒子。

25. be angry with sb. 對某人生氣

26. perhaps = maybe 也許

27. go by (時間) 過去 . 如:Two years went by. 兩年過去了。

28. see sb / sth doing 看見某人正在做某事(如果是看到正在做什麼,要用動詞ing形式,考的較多的也是動詞ing形式)

如:She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她看見他正在教室里畫畫。

29. each other 彼此

30. regard… as … ;把…...看作為...…

如:The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 這些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。

31. too many 許多,修飾可數名詞 如:too many girls

too much 許多,修飾不可數名詞 如:too much milk(要區分too many 和 too much只要記住它們修飾什麼詞就可以了)

much too 太,修飾形容詞 如:much too beautiful(too much和much too意思不同,大家不要混淆它們的意思,這種單詞容易出解析題)

32.change…into… 將…變為…

33. with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的幫助下(注意介詞of和with,容易出題)

如:with the help of LiLei = with LiLei's help 在李雷的幫助下

34. compare…to… 把…比作...(另外,大家要注意另一個短語,compare...with...,這也是一個重要的短語,意思是:拿…和…比較)

35. instead 代替 用在句末,副詞

instead of sth/doing sth 代替,而不是 (這個地方考的較多的就是instead of doing sth,也是就說如果of後面跟動詞,要用動名詞形式,也就是動詞的ing形式)

如:I will go instead of you. 我將代替你去。


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