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① 天利38套英語聽力下載2018高考復習必備






② 高中英語閱讀題及答案(3)


A. interesting B. unselfish C. kind-hearted D. richest


40. Which statement of the following is Right according to the passage?

A. Nobel set up his company to sell clothes. B. Most of Nobel’s money was used for the world Wars.

C. Nobel Prizes are only for some people from some special countries.

D. Nobel worked hard in his life and saved lots of money for the world to share.

答案為D。此句為細節推理題。在He made money all by his own efforts.But he left the world share his wealth.這句話中,我們吵搏可以看出Nobel將所掙的錢全部留給世界人民去分享(share)。


Are all your photographs good?Be honest with yourself. Aren’t some of your pictures too dark, and others too light?How many times have you thrown away a photo?We, the Fine Photograph Club, can help you. We meet every Wednesday in our comfortable club room in Bridge Street. At 7:30 p.m. a

member of the club or a visitor would give a talk, and then we have coffee. Our members will advise you on all the latest cameras and films. They will help you to develop your films or enlarge your pictures. What does it all cost?Only 5 pounds a year.

Photography is now a big business. Do you know, for instance, that there are 15 million cameras in our country?And that 700 million photographs are taken a year, more than one-third of them in color?Think of the amount of photography in television, the cinema, newspapers, books, advertisements and so on. In modern life people learn a lot from pictures, so photography is more and more important. It is also more complicated and more expensive than it used to be. You may only want to take good photographs of faces and places. If so, we can help you to get better results. You needn’t waste any more money. If you want to learn more about photography and how it is used, join the club please. You won’t be disappointed. Write now to the Secretary, Fine Photograph Club. Bridge Street.

31. The purpose of passage is to _____.

A. show people how to take fine pictures B. tell people photography is now a big business

C. tell people the club can do many things for you D. encourage people to join the photograph club


32. If you want to join the club, you _____.

A. must be good at photography B. must know about the latest cameras and films C. must pay a little money a year D. must be honest with yourself

答案為C。此句為細節題。從短文第一段的最後一句話:five pounds a year中得出答案。

33. You are able to be honest so that you can_____.

A. say if your photos are good or bad B. tell how much money you waste C. help the Fine Photograph Club D. know the latest development in cameras

答案為A。此句為細節推理題。將第一段內容進行綜合分析,可以知道:這是Fine Photograph club所做的宣傳廣告,讓人們知道他們是為了幫助人們提高攝影技術,避免出現浪費現象,而且費用低廉。因此選項A符合短文的內容。

34. The club can give the following service except _____.

A. coffee B. amusement C. advice D. information

答案為B。此句為細節推理題。從短文內容上看,文章中出現了:and then we have coffee(選項A的內容),„will advise you on all the latest„(選項C的內容)和if you want to learn„it is used(選項D的內容),這樣只有選項B的內容在短文中沒有出現了。

35.Which statement of the following is true?

A. If you are a member of Fine Photograph Club, it will cost you only 5 pounds to buy a camera. B. All the members of Fine Photograph Club can take free photographs of faces and places. C. More than a third of 700 million color photographs are taken a year.

D. If you write to the photograph club, you will be very good at photographing.

答案為C。細節題。在短文And that 700 million photographs are taken a year,more than one-third Of them in color?中給出了答案。其中的them就是700 million photographs。


③ 新高一英語應該怎麼學

由於初中與高中的教學方式、學習方法和學科知識深度存在很大差異,這對每一個高一新生來說都是不小的挑戰,往年總是有不少高一新生由於不適應初高中的這種差異而產生「新高一學習綜合症」。為了幫助學生盡快適應高中英語學習,順利完成初高中的學習過渡,武漢新航道學校一線英語教學名師為學生們介紹一些適應高中階段的學習方法。 從初中進入高中是一個新的轉折點,同學們必須採用不同的方法來學習。初中階段主要重視英語知識和語法的學習,而高中階段則側重培養閱讀能力,需要同學們把學到的知識靈活運用到對語言、文章的理解中,不斷提高分析判斷能力、邏輯思維能力和語言運用能力。所以在學習過程中不能死摳句子、死記語法,而要在交際用語、習慣搭配及語言的多變方腔升信面多下功夫。同時還要講究學習策略,制定符合自己的學習方法和目標,從一開始就笑段養成一個良好的學習習慣,使自己充滿信心,學好英語。 高中英語教學大綱規定了要求掌握的日常交際功能項目共41個。這些交際用語分別在初、高中教材各個單元的對話中陸續出現。本單元為初中學生進入高中後學習的第一個單元,教材在對日常用語的安排上,由已學的交際用語引出新的對話。如怎樣介紹新朋友,結束談話告別時的用語以及如何委託他人轉達問候的幾種表達方法等。這些句子都是英美人在日常生活中使用頻率較高的用語,也是考查的熱點。 近年來的英語高考試題在命題指導思想上轉變了傳統的以考查知識為主題,確立「以能力立意」的命題思想,從而改變了過去重語法輕交際的傾向,加強了對外語交際能力的考查。教學大綱明文規定了考查交際用語的形式包括筆試,口試及聽力測試,這就預示著今後將在聽力測試題型中增強對交際能力的伍輪考查,希望同學們在學習中注意情景交際用語的掌握與使用。 要提高聽說能力,正確的態度是,盡可能設法用學過的詞彙和句型表達自己的觀點,抓住一切機會多聽多說,並持之以恆。那麼怎樣才能達到這一目標? 同學們必須具有自覺實踐的意識,抓住一切機會多聽多說,在實踐中不斷修正錯誤,並持之以恆,水平才能提高。機會在哪裡?不僅在課內,而且在課外。課內是基礎,課外天地更寬廣。同學們要積極參與老師組織的聽說活動,不但要仔細聽英語錄音帶和老師說的英語,而且還要仔細聽其他同學說的英語。聽懂之後必有反應,要主動表達自己的觀點。一定不要怕說錯而閉口不言。正確的態度應該是,盡可能設法用學過的詞彙和句型表達自己的觀點,決不要未開口而先擔憂。課堂教學的現代化設備(電化教具和電腦多媒體)也要用足用好。再來看課外英語聽說學習的環境和條件。廣播、電視、互聯網、錄音帶、錄像帶、CD、VCD、原版電影,各類英語演講比賽和夏令營等活動,英語學習的素材不一而足。同學們在條件許可的情況下,應強化自身周圍的聽說氛圍。另外多看課外讀物也不失為一種好方法。閱讀的好處是擴大知識面,增加詞彙量,提高理解力,鞏固詞彙和語法結構。 順便說一下詞彙難記的老大難問題。記不住詞彙,其實是詞彙的復現率不夠,而光死背單詞,又太枯燥,費時效果差。詞彙記憶難是事實,記憶詞彙有許多方法,但多閱讀,在閱讀中鞏固詞彙的識記不失為一個好方法。書面表達的基礎是口頭表達,其實質是用英語思維的能力。其中詞彙和句型是必要條件,語法知識是重要條件,這些條件的積累靠的是長期聽、說和閱讀實踐的運作。 總的說來,學好高中英語有以下幾點訣竅:一、認真聽教科書規定的內容,大略掌握基本的語法知識、單詞。二、課下完成作業後,要選擇一套英語錄音帶來聽,它應該是讓你在隨意中就能輕松聽下去的錄音帶,它不會給你增加太大的壓力,但卻能讓你把教科書上學過的句子、單詞、語法得到快速而有效的復習和鞏固。這就是快速學習法中的「存儲、記憶、激活」三過程中的關鍵過程:激活。三、在完成了「學好教科書」的目的之後,要有「先人一步、捷足先登」的思想,那就是選擇一條適合於你自己的學英語的捷徑、比如利用做完功課閉目養神的休息時間訓練聽說,在不知不覺中就會說很多地道的英語句子。一年後你突然發現你已遠遠走在其它同學前頭了。四、為了應付考試,你要經常多做幾套試題。你會意識到,你會說的那些句子能十分有效地幫你對付各種各樣的考試題。

④ 5年高考3年模擬的高中英語

出 版 社: 首都師范大學出版社
出版時間: 2008-6-1
開本: 大16開
I S B N : 9787810648233
定價:¥49.00 朋友,我正看著你呢,你也正看著我。
智力背景這是知識的拓展,這是能力的延伸,這是智慧的加油站,這是高考的動力臂。如果擁有這個支點,你將會擁有解決所有問題的妙計。 第1部分單項填空
專題十一 特殊句式(倒裝、省略及其他)
專題十二 情景交際
作者: 曲一線 主編
出 版 社: 教育科學出版社出版時間: 2008-3-1
開本: 大16開
I S B N : 9787504140968
Mole 1 Life in the Future
Mole 1 單元檢測
Mole 2 Traffic Jam
Mole 2 單元檢測
Mole 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication
Mole 3 單元檢測
Mole 4 Great Scientists
Mole 4 單元檢測
Mole 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges
Mole 5 單元檢測
Mole 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World
Mole 6 單元檢測

⑤ 天利三十八套英語高中答案





肯定句:主語 + shall/will + be + 現在分詞 + 其他.

否定句:主語 + shall/will + not + be + 現在分詞 + 其判慧他.

一般疑問句:Shall/Will + 主語 + be + 現在分詞 + 其他?

肯定回答:Yes,主語 + shall/will 否定回答:No,主語 + shall/will + not

特殊疑問句:疑問頌沖培代詞/疑問副詞 + shall/will + 主語 + be + 現在分詞 + 其他?

將來進行時是由"shall/will + be +現在分詞"構成的

Please don't call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow. I'll be having my classes then.


Will you be using your bicycle this evening?


⑥ 2022-2023學年英語周報高一課標版第3期答案及試題(第三期)

閱讀裂解:environment n.環境 



1.environment n.環境

environmental adj.環境的

environmentally adv.環境地

2.destroy vt.破壞

destruction n.毀滅,毀壞

3.fuel n.燃料

4.recycle vt.回收;再利用

recyclable adj.可回收的

5.wild adj.天然的;荒涼的;野生的;野的

6.energy n.能量,能源

7.rubbish/litter/garbage n.垃圾;廢棄物

8.collect vt.收集

collective adj.可收集的

collection n.收集,搜集品

9.habitat n.棲息地

10.rece vt.減少

rection n.減少

11.balance n.平衡

balanced adj.保持(或顯示)平衡的

12.nature n.自然

natural adj.自然的

naturally adv.自然地

13.punish v.懲罰;處罰

punishment n.懲罰;刑罰

14.pollute vt.污染

pollution n.污染

polluted adj.被污染的

15.protect vt.保護

protection n.保護

16.influence n.影響

17.pour v.流出;傾倒

18.affect vt.影響;感動;侵襲

19.ruin vt.毀掉

20.increase v.增加;增長

21.ecosystem n.生態系統

22.noisy adj.喧鬧的,嘈雜的;聒噪的

23.spread vi.傳播;擴散

24.widespread adj.分布廣的,普遍的

25.erupt vi.(火山)爆發,突然發生

eruption n.噴發

26.abundant adj.豐富的

27.continent n.洲,大陸

28.circumstance n.環境,情況

29.exist vi.存在

existence n.存在,實慶哪辯有

30.creature n.生物

31.extinct adj.滅絕的,熄滅的

extinction n.滅絕

⑦ 高中英語必修三知識點總結歸納

只要我們擁著勤奮去思考,擁著勤奮的手去耕耘,用抱勤奮的心去對待工作,浪跡紅塵而堅韌不拔,那麼,我們的生命就會綻放火花,讓人生的時光更加的閃亮而精彩。下面給大家分享一些關於高中必修三知識點 總結 歸納,希望對大家有所幫助。


重點詞彙、 短語

1. system 系統,體系

2. theory 學說,理論

3. violent 猛烈的,激烈的,

4. in time 及時,終於

5. unlike 不同,不像

6. harmful 有害的

7. lay eggs 下蛋

8. exist 存在,生存

9. give birth to 產生,分娩

10. in one』s turn 輪到某人

11. prevent from 阻止

12. puzzle 謎,難題/使迷惑

13. pull 拉,牽引力

14. cheer up 感到振奮

15. now that 既然

16. break out 突發,爆發

17. watch out 密切注視



1. We usually think of science subjects asphysics, chemistry, biology and mathematics.


2. When are they to hand in their plan?


3. Whether we help him or not, he will fail.


4. It exploded loudly with fire and rock, whichwere in time to proce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen andother gases, which were to make the earth』s atmosphere.


5. It was quite different from what I expected.


6. This made it possible for us to learn English better.


7. Scientist believe that taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and filling the air with oxygen helped life to develop.


8. He has experience as well as knowledge.

他既有學識又有 經驗 。

9. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth intospace.


10. Whether life will continute on the earth formillions of years will depend on whether this problem can be solved.


11. Canada is the second largest country in the world.


12. Success is within our grasp now.


13. I』m feeling slightly better today.


14. I prefer to play football rather than stayat home.

我寧願踢 足球 而不願呆在家裡。

15. He gave me money as well as advice.(as well as 和;同;也)


16. These books are mine; the rest are yours.


17.I asked her a question but she remainedsilent.(remaine 是連系動詞,意思是「保持,仍然是」)


18. Many people think it is the most beautifulcity in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and thePacific Ocean on the west.


19. Many of them have a gift for working withanimals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.


20. You can have a view of Paris from the EiffelTower.


21. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the mostwealthy and biggest city in Canada.


22. I accompanied him as far as the bus stop.




1. rather than 與其,不願

2. chat 聊天,閑聊

3. surround 包圍,圍繞

4. measure 測量,衡量,判定

5. settle down 定居,平靜下來

6. manage to do 設法做

7. catch sight of 看見,瞥見

8. have a gift for 對…有天賦

9. within 在…之內,

10. border 邊界,國界,邊沿,與…接壤

11. mix 混合,調配

12. mixture 混合物

13. confirm 證實,證明,批准

14. distance 距離,遠方

15. in the distance 在遠處

16. nearby 在附近

17. tradition 傳統,習俗

18. impress 使印象深刻

高中英語必修三知識點總結歸納相關 文章 :

★ 高中英語必修三第一單元語法總結

★ 高二英語必修三必背單詞片語

★ 高中英語必修三作文

★ 高中英語必修三第一單元試卷及答案

⑧ 外研版高一英語必修一Mole3檢測試題及答案

在英語的復習考試里,我們要認真對待每份英語試題。畢竟試題卷的練習能夠幫助我們去檢測學習中的缺點與漏洞!讓我們來做一套或譽試題卷吧!接下來是我帶來的外研版高一英語必修一Mole 3檢測試題,歡迎閱讀!

外研版高一英語必修一Mole 3檢測試題

第一部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,共40分)

第一節拆基 單項填空(共10小題;每小題1分,共10分)

1. — I’m afraid we can’t be in time for opening ceremony.

— Don’t worry. Let’s go by taxi.

A. the; a B. ; C. ; a D. the;

2. — Could you give me a ride?

— I’d be glad to.

A. Absolutely! B. Oh, I see.

C. Thank goodness! D. Not at all!

3. We saw so many interesting people and places. a good journey!

A. Which B. What C. How D. Whether

4. This is the first time I’ve used this machine. Can you show me to use it?

A. how B. what C. when D. which

5. — I need to have a rest. I am .

— But we have only been walking for half an hour.

A. abandoned B. bored C. exhausted D. frightened

6. Look, this is the bird by the boy. It was just singing in the tree!

旅團謹A. to be shot B. shooting

C. having shot D. shot

7. CCTV is short China Central Television, which is our national television station.

A. for B. of C. in D. to

8. — I can’t work out this problem.

— Why not try it by using some other methods?

A. did B. doing C. having done D. do

9. The Internet is a huge computer system which allows millions of people around the world information.

A. to share B. sharing C. share D. shared

10. From the look on his face, we knew he must have seen something .

A. frightened; frightened B. frightening; frightening

C. frightened; frightening D. frightening; frightened

第二節 完形填空 (共20小題;每小題 1.5 分,共30分)

One day last summer, I was waiting for my ride to pick me up at the station. Suddenly I felt the desire (慾望) to write a 11 . I opened my bag and found a pen, 12 no paper. I sat there helplessly, 13 with the sudden desire. Then I went through the bag a little more 14 . It 15 that I had a dollar bill in my wallet. After I looked at it for a moment, it became 16 that there was very little writing surface on the bill. But I could 17 write something.

So I took my pen and wrote something like this, “This is a very 18 dollar — given to you with love. Do not keep it or 19 it. Give it to someone else with love, and watch it 20 .”

I then 21 the bill with hearts, trying to make it 22 as many good wishes as I could.

Sitting near me was a woman who was also waiting for a 23 . She seemed a little 24 . I said to her, “Hi, this is for you.”

She got a 25 by my action. But after she took a second 26 at it, her mood 27 from worried to warm, and she gave me a big hug and accepted it.

I realized that 28 this was the reaction (反應) from just one stranger, then without doubt this 29 of warmth would continue on.

My ride came, and we drove off. But I thought this was not the 30 of the story and that this love wouldn’t stop.

11. A. story B. note C. letter D. poem

12. A. and B. but C. or D. with

13. A. alone B. busy C. calm D. excited

14. A. fluently B. carefully C. sincerely D. nervously

15. A. took off B. paid off C. turned out D. found out

16. A. doubtful B. clear C. uncertain D. close

17. A. as usual B. at worst C. at most D. at least

18. A. special B. practical C. powerful D. useful

19. A. spend B. pay C. take D. invest

20. A. cover B. spread C. build D. grow

21. A. measured B. repaired C. beautified D. settled

22. A. prove B. develop C. show D. value

23. A. performance B. ride C. train D. favor

24. A. worried B. sick C. serious D. quiet

25. A. lesson B. surprise C. touch D. hit

26. A. thought B. picture C. chance D. look

27. A. traded B. guided C. improved D. changed

28. A. because B. for C. if D. whether

29. A. wave B. sign C. method D. way

30. A. beginning B. end C. clue D. function

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,共50分)

第一節 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。(共20小題;每小題2分,共40分)


“I will never forget you,” the old man said. A tear rolled down his face. “I’m getting old. I can’t take care of you anymore.”

Monsieur watched his owner, wondering, “What’s he up to now? ”

The old man cleared his throat, “Soon, I’ll move to an old age home, and I’m sorry to say, you can’t come along. They don’t allow dogs there. But don’t worry, my friend. We’ll find a nice new home for you. Anyone would be proud to own such a fine dog.”

The old man opened the door and stepped outside, pulling the dog behind. Dusk was beginning to fall. Monsieur pulled back. He didn’t want to go.

“Don’t make this any harder for me. I promise, you’ll be much better off with someone else.” The street was very quiet. It began to snow. After a very long time, they came upon an old house surrounded by tall trees. “This will be a nice home for you,” the old man said. “Go on now. Go up the steps and scratch (抓) on the door.”

Monsieur was hurt. He thought his owner didn’t love him anymore. He slowly walked toward the house and up the steps. Looking back, he saw his owner step behind a tree. He scratched with one paw at the front door. “Woof woof! Woof woof!”

Someone from inside opened the door and then a little boy appeared. When he saw Monsieur, he threw both arms into the air and shouted with joy, “Oh boy! Oh boy! Mom and Dad, come and see what Santa’s brought!”

Through tearful eyes, the old man watched from behind the tree. He wiped his eyes as he disappeared into the night whispering, “Merry Christmas, my friend.”

31. Why did the old man feel very sad?

A. Because he had no Christmas gifts.

B. Because he had to part with his dog.

C. Because the little boy didn’t like Monsieur.

D. Because he had to move to the old age home.

32. How did the old man feel about finding a new owner for Monsieur?

A. Uncertain. B. Worried.

C. Confident. D. Pleased.

33. Which could be used as the best title for the passage?

A. Merry Christmas, my friend

B. The perfect Christmas gift

C. Do keep your promise, please

D. The walk on a cold night


Have you ever wondered what the perfect place to visit would be if you had the chance? Well, let me tell you: a paradise of wonder on the small island of Jamaica. When I went there, I had the greatest time of my life.

Everything about Jamaica is just perfect. There are so many places to go and things to do. There are white sandy beaches and the ocean is so clear that you can see everything from coral to colorful fish. Another great thing is all the fresh fruit, and how much better it tastes. Some people there carry things around on their heads in a very unique way: they wrap cloth around their heads and then place the object on top and position it so it stays balanced. It’s amazing!

One of the most interesting things I have ever seen was the Glistening Waters. The name describes exactly what it is: one of a few lakes in the world that allows a rare living thing to live in it. Have you ever wondered about fireflies (熒火蟲) and why they have a green glow (光)? Well, when you touch this water, it glows bright green exactly like a firefly. We got to swim there in the dark, which was really amazing.

There are just so many great and interesting places to explore in Jamaica. Other things include swinging (盪鞦韆) on vines into lakes, sensitive grass that closes when it feels your touch, and even exploring bat caves that have warm water you can swim in.

As you might guess, Jamaica is one of the most wonderful places, and I think you should make plans to go there soon.

34. Some people in Jamaica wrap cloth around their heads to .

A. keep them warm

B. keep a special custom

C. welcome guests and visitors

D. carry things

35. Why does the writer mention fireflies in the third paragraph?

A. To describe the beauty of a lake.

B. To tell us fireflies fly over the lake.

C. To give us an idea of a rare thing.

D. To tell us some facts about fireflies.

36. What is special about the bat caves mentioned in the fourth paragraph?

A. There is sensitive grass in them.

B. You can swim in the warm water in them.

C. Vines grow on the walls of them.

D. They are full of dangerous bats.

37. Where does the passage come from?

A. An ad. B. A newspaper story.

C. A travel journal. D. A geography textbook.


An article (冠詞) is one of the most difficult for the students of English as a second language (ESL) to learn. Misunderstanding these articles is the cause of a number of mistakes made by speakers of languages that do not have such constructions. My An English Grammar Study Guide is written to make you easily understand them. The following come from those who have made great progress.

By Asuka Fujii

I bought this book just a day after it was published because I know the author very well and I learn a lot from him. In this guidebook, the author explains the meaning of articles in his special way. This book will give you a clear understanding of when to use an article and which article to use. Your English will improve after reading the guidebook.

By Timp

If you are looking for a thick English study book, this guidebook is not for you. It is short and easy to understand and focused on mastering English articles in real life. There is no error, and no tons of theory. If you don’t like to waste your time you’ll prefer to read useful books. Then order the guide.

By Dmitry

I’ve just read the book and it is great. I like such informative books. The only thing is the video at the end of the book has been removed. It will be great if you can get the correct video if it is possible.

By Chris

When I bought the guide, I was making many article errors. I work at a big company, and have to write emails and reports. Making these errors was rather embarrassing. Douglas Porter’s great knowledge helped me eliminate (消除) these mistakes.

38. Why are articles difficult for the ESL students to learn according to Douglas?

A. These students usually ignore speaking them.

B. These students seldom read original English works.

C. There are no articles in their native languages.

D. These students seldom read English grammar books.

39. Who is familiar with the author of the guidebook?

A. Timp. B. Asuka Fujii. C. Chris. D. Dmitry.

40. Which of the following can best describe the guidebook?

A. Short, simple, theoretical and attractive.

B. Classic, informative, well-known and useful.

C. Easy, interesting, thick and understandable.

D. Small, useful, understandable and informative.

41. This passage is written mainly to .

A. persuade more people to buy the guidebook

B. tell readers learning English grammar is important

C. say students have improved their English after reading the guidebook

D. say the author tries his best to write the guidebook


Country singer Gary Allan has been making records since the mid 1990’s. But his latest album, Set You Free, is his first to hit number one on Billboard’s top two hundred albums chart (排行榜).

The song Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) is the lead single (單曲) from Gary Allan’s new album Set You Free. The song has sold one million copies and is number one on Billboard’s country music chart. It has risen faster than any other single in the California native’s career.

Gary Allan says Every Storm is about hope, the common idea throughout the new album.

“You can expect a lot of honesty and a lot of songs about life. It’s going to roll you through a breakup and it’s going to roll you through the anger and the pain and make you as good as new. So what I think you can expect is something a little bit different musically out of this.”

Gary Allan says his favorite song on Set You Free is One More Time. He says he wrote it after his father died.

The country singer is supporting the album with concerts around the United States for most of the rest of the year. He says the shows are full of energy.

“We play hard and they have a very strong impact (沖擊) on the audience. I think that’s why people love to come and see us. We’re giving it everything that we have every night.”

Set You Free is Allan’s ninth album. In an interview with Broadway’s Electric Barnyard, Allan spoke about co-writing with women for the new album. It was the first time in his career he had done so, and he described it as an interesting experience.

42. What’s the topic of the passage?

A. Gary Allan’s new album Set You Free.

B. The life of American singer Gary Allan.

C. The development of American country music.

D. A young musician’s hard struggle for success.

43. Gary Allan likes One More Time most probably because .

A. it’s different musically from his other songs

B. it helped him find courage after failure

C. it was written in honor of his father

D. it has sold more copies than any other single

44. What can we learn about Gary from the passage?

A. He lived an unhappy life in his childhood.

B. He was born in the state of California.

C. He began his music career in the late 1990s.

D. His concerts are mostly made up of light music.

45. The album Set You Free marked the first time .

A. Gary had made a record in his music career

B. Gary had had a word with Broadway’s Electric Barnyard

C. Gary’s albums had appeared on Billboard’s music chart

D. Gary had worked together with women in writing songs


A travel journal is one of the best ways to keep a long journey in memory. Many details that don’t seem important while you are writing your travel journal often turn out to be what make the trip so memorable(難忘的).

Get into the habit of writing in your travel journal every day. When you are on a busy journey, it is easy to forget to write. You may promise yourself that you will go back later, but that almost never happens. Take a few minutes every day and put down your memories. It doesn’t have to be long, just on a regular basis.

Use your “down time” for your travel journal. There is a surprising amount of sitting around while traveling. You can always put down a few lines in your travel journal when you are on trains, waiting for planes, drying your laundry, or waiting in line.

In your heading, write down the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you eat. These are the first details people tend to forget. Years later when you read your journal, you will know exactly what you were doing on that day.

Focus on writing about how you feel. Listing facts and figures is fine but that isn’t why you traveled. A long journey is a time for self reflection. Memories of these feelings fade(消失) quickly with time. Writing about those experiences while the memories are fresh is important.

Keep ticket stubs(票根). Whenever you use a ticket for a train or a museum or a ride, tape the stub to your journal. They are pieces of history from your journey. Years later you can look at the ticket stub and see exactly what you were doing on a specific day and how much it cost.

46. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The importance of a travel journal.

B. The tips on how to travel happily.

C. The ways to keep a travel journal.

D. The activities that make the trip memorable.

47. The underlined part “down time” probably refers to the time when .

A. you feel sad B. you are busy C. you can relax D. you are on the way

48. Which one of the following does not agree with the passage?

A. Date your travel in your heading.

B. Review your journal afterwards.

C. Write your travel journal regularly.

D. Focus on your feelings while writing.

49. According to the ticket stubs, we can learn the following EXCEPT .

A. the costs of our trip

B. our feelings at that time

C. the things we were doing

D. the places we were visiting

50. The purpose of the author in writing the passage is .

A. to advise B. to criticize C. to praise D. to warn