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小米1至小米11哪個經典 2024-05-07 01:01:52


發布時間: 2023-02-09 17:53:03

Ⅰ 我是一名高一的職高生,英語一點也不懂,希望有人能幫助我!

要是從零開始的話,得找個人帶你。你看你們學校有沒有很負責的老師,或者家裡條件允許的話找個負責的家教。學習沒什麼訣竅,學語言更是如此,要方法也要毅力。你要真心想學,可以選定一套教材從第一冊開始看。考慮到你的情況,我推薦《劍橋少兒英語》,一共四冊,踏踏實實看書聽錄音再做書後練習題就能提高。然後,等你學完了《劍橋少兒英語》,剩下的要怎麼自學 別人不說你也就知道了。 萬事開頭難,加油!

Ⅱ 廣東中職一級英語考試內容是什麼


Ⅲ 專接本英語知識點

自學考試 專接本 是江蘇高職學生升學的重要途徑之一,英語專接本有哪些翻譯知識點呢?接下來我為你整理了專接本英語知識點,一起來看看吧。


1. 學好一門外語是非常重要的。

It is important to acquire a foreign language.


It took him about/approximately half a year to complete the paper.

3. 你讓我做的事情我都已經做完了。

I have finished what you made me do.

I have finished those things that you made me do.

4. 一旦他適應了新環境,他就會取得更大的進步。

Once being adapted to the new environment, he will make even greater progress.

5. 無論貧富,人人都有教育的權利。

Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to ecation.

6. 這口鍾大約有三個人那麼高。

The bell is about three times/twice as tall as a person.


I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit.


The book is so interesting that I finish it without break.


I told him several times but he kept on reading without hearing what a said.

11. 電腦在我們的日常生活中起著非常重要的作用。

It is known by everybody that Computers play a very important role in our daily life.

12. 只要你不斷努力,你遲早會取得成功。

As long as you keep on trying, you will succeed sooner or later.


It’s up to you who will be invited to the party next week.


The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beinjing.


I have got used to this way of life.


It was ten years before I began to get used to the way of life here.

16. 成功不僅取決於個人的能力,而且還取決於合作的意願。

Success relies not only on one’s ability but also a willingness to cooperate.

17. 盡管困難重重,他們還是決心實現諾言。

In spite of all the difficulties,/even though there are so many difficulties, they are determined to keep their promises.

18. 你走還是留,不是很重要。

It won’t make much difference whether you leave or stay.

19. 正式語言主要用於政府報告,考試作文和商業信函中。

Formal language is mainly used in government reports, examination compositions and business letters.

20. 據當地報紙報道,昨天這家銀行遭到搶劫。

It is reported in the local newspaper that this bank was robber yesterday.


It was not until it was dark that he came to realize that it was too late to go home.

Not until it was dark did he come to realize that it was too late to go home.

He didn’t realize it was too late to go home until it was dark.

22. 既然你明天就要動身,今晚我們可以一起共進晚餐。

Since you are leaving tommorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.

23. 英國人對不同的文化和不同做事方式不太熟悉,這種情況在其他國家也如此。

The British are not very familiar with different culture and other ways of doing things, as is often the case in other countries.


It is in the small house that they are working/have been working delligently.


If we don’t work instrially, we will never learn english well.


As the saying goes, the learning ability of a person is unlimited.

27. 人和動物的最大區別在於人能學習並使用語言。

The biggest difference between animals and human beings is/lies in that human can learn and use language.


Sam cannot afford the camera which he desires, because it’s too expensive.

28. 無論我們的祖國什麼時候需要我,我都將響應她的號召。

Wherever/whenever our motherland needs me, I will respond to her call.

29. 很明顯,科技的發展對中國現代化起著至關重要的作用。

It is obvious that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China.

30. 就這一方法本身而言,是值得一試的。

As far as the method itself is concerned, it is worth trying.


31. 他一直全身心地撲在工作上。

He has always been absorbed in his work.

32. 一天,蘇珊(Susan) 在瀏覽書籍時,被一個真實故事吸引住了。

Oneday, while scanning books, Susan was attrcted by a true story.

33. 和遠方的朋友保持聯系不是一件容易的事。

It is no easy job/not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away.

34. 鄰居們都不能容忍他那樣對年邁的父親說話。

The neighbors can’t bear the way( in which he talks to his old father).

35. 李大伯自己雖不富裕,但在別人需要幫助時,他從不猶豫。

Although he isn’t rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitate to help others in need.

36. 無論我們是否願意,我們生活的世界在過去的一百年間已經發生了很多變化。

Whether we like it or not, the world (we live in) has changed a great deal in the past 100 years.

37. 隨著經濟發展,在中國,旅遊越來越受到人們的歡迎。With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in China.

38. 他的演講激勵我們比以往任何時候都更加努力工作。His speech inspired us to work harder than ever before.


No matter what they say, do (what you think is right).

Regardless of

40. 一個人要想健康,每天鍛煉身體是非常必要的。

If one wants to be healthy, it is necessary for him to do exercises everyday.


He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.


It is great pleasure to have a friend coming from afar.


The good traditions of the Chinese are certain to be passed from generation to generation.

44. 他們已經十年沒見面了。

They haven’t seen each other for ten years.

It is/has been ten years since they met last time.

45. 在我看來,討論是解決問題的好方法。

In my opinion, discussion is a good solution to the problem.

46. 你應該利用課外一切機會學英語。You should take advantage of every opportunity to study english out of class.

47. 她對知識有強烈的渴望,但不知道如何求知。

She has a strong desire for knowledge, but she doesn’t know how to obtain/aquire it.

48. 人們只有生病了才知道健康的價值。

Only when people fall ill can they come to know the value of health.

49. 這個主意聽起來不錯,但實際上行得通嗎?

The idea sounds good, but will it work in practice?

50. 據估計,世界上大約有80%的人口支付不起合理的飲食、住房和醫療保健費用。

It is estimated that about 80% of the world’s population cannot afford to proper food, housing or medical care.


51. 長城是中國的歷史文化符號之一。

The Great Wall is one of the symbols of Chinese history

and culture.

52. 無論生活多難,我都不會失去信心。However difficult the life is, I will never lose my confidence/faith.

53. 物體離我們越遠,看起來就越小。

The farther an object is away from us, the smaller it looks/seems.

54. 政府已經採取積極措施防止空氣污染。

The government has already taken active measures/steps to prevent/stop the air pollution.

55. 建設和諧校園的關鍵在於讓每個學生都能積極參與進來。

The key to constructing/building up a harmonious campus is to have every student take part in it actively.

The key to

56. 實踐應該和理論相結合。

Theory should go hand in hand with practice.

57. 商品價格與我們的生活密切相關。

Goods prices are closely related to our daily life.

Closely related to our daily life are goods prices.

My files are in the 3 enclosures.

In the 3 enclosures are my files.

58. 沒有調查就沒有發言權。

One who makes no investigation has no right to speak.

59. 只要你努力學習,畢業後你就能找到合適的工作。

As long as you study hard, you will find/get a nice/decent job after graation.

You are sure to find

A nice/suitable/proper job

59. 休息時他對我講了許多事,其中有一些簡直使人不能相信。(which)

During the break, she told me a lot, some of which were really unbelieveable.

Some of which were hardly believeable.

60. 他為了復習學過的知識,每天都很早到學校。(in order to)

In order to review what he has learned, he get to school very early every day.

Get what he wants/desires,

61.史密斯教授直到成功的做完試驗才離開試驗室。(not… until)

Professor Smith didn’t leave the lab until he had successfully finished his experiment.

Not until he had successfully finished his experiment did he leave the lab.

61.盡管那裡的氣候很乾燥,但是他已經習慣了。(to be used to)

Although it is dry , he has gotten used to the weather there.

62. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失。

He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss.

63. 他的成就贏得人們的尊敬和仰慕.

His achievements earned him respect and admiration.

64. 他的計劃出人意料地成功了。

To the surprise of everyone, his plan succeeded.

65. 他好不容易才回到了家。

With much difficulty did he find his way home.

He went back home with great/much difficulty.

66. 他剛剛到達就生起病來了。

No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.

67. 我們應想國家之所想,急國家之所急。

What the country thinks and worries about is what we should think and worry about.

68. 坦率地講,能在這么短的時間內完成這項任務,實在令人安慰。

To be frank, it is a great relief to have the task fulfilled in so short a time.

69. 我知道他來遲的原因。

I know the reason(why he came late)

Later 後來,比…晚

Lately 近來

Latter 後者 former

70. 屋頂壞了的房子現在已經修好。

The house (whose roof was damaged) has been repaired.

71. 上海是他出生的地方。

Shanghai is the place (where he was born)

72. 世界上有些國家終年少雨。

There are some countries in the world (where there is little rain throughout the year/at any time)

73. 如果贊成,就請舉手。

Those who are in favor please hold up/raise their hands.

74. 直到完成時,他才意識到他病得厲害.

Not until he had completed the task did he realize that he was seriously ill.

75. 你最好帶上毛衣,以防天氣變冷。

You may as well take a sweater, in case/for fear that/lest that it turn cold.

In case…should do

76. 不管是否加熱,這種物質都不會在水中融化。

Whether it is heated or not, the substance does not dissolve in water.

77. 如果你方便的話,請明天上午十點鍾到這兒。

If it is convenient for you, please come here at ten

78. 你越解釋,我愈糊塗。

The more you explain, the more confused I am.


The older I get, the happier I am.

79. 我自從童年時起就發現沒有什麼比讀書對我更有吸引力。

Since my early childhood, I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading.

I have found that nothing appeals to me more than reading.

Nothing is …than 比較級,其實是最高級。


Ⅳ 中職英語重點知識歸納有哪些










The first month of a year is January.一年的第一個月是一月。

The second month of a year is February.一年的第二個月是二月。

March comes after February.三月在二月之後。

April comes before May.四月先於五月。

The Labor Day is in May.勞動節在五月。

June 1st is Children's Day.6月1日是兒童節

July 1st is the birthday of the Party.7月1日是聚會的生日。

August 1st is the Army Day.8月1日是軍人節。

September 10th is Teachers' Day.九月十日是教師節。

October 1st is National Day.十月一日是國慶節。

November is a nice month.十一月是個好月份。

Ⅳ 高二英語職高知識點

只有高效的 學習 方法 ,才可以很快的掌握知識的重難點。有效的讀書方式根據規律掌握方法,不要一來就死記硬背,先找規律,再記憶,然後再學習,就能很快的掌握知識。我高二頻道為你整理了《 高二英語 上冊第一單元重點知識點》希望對你有幫助!


1)starve作不及物動詞,表示「餓死,挨餓」。starve for=be starve of/for,表示「渴望獲得,迫切得到」。

2)plenty 作不可數名詞,只用於肯定句中,表示「充足,大量,富裕」,可做主語,賓語或表語。 做主語時,謂語動詞隨著plenty所指的單復數形式作相應的變化。 plenty也可作副詞,表示「充分地,十足地,好多」。 in plenty表示「大量的,豐富,充裕」可作表語,定語,狀語。

3)satisfy 作及物動詞,表示「滿意,使滿足」,直接跟賓語,若接that從句時,意思是「使相信」,從句前有間接賓語。 satisfy?with以??滿足 be satisfied with對??滿足 satisfy?for向??償還 be satisfied to do sth滿足於做某事

4)harm 作名詞,意為「損害」,不與不定冠詞連用,常與do,come,mean等動詞搭配。 do more harm than good弊大於利 There』s no harm in(sb』s)doing sth=It does no harm for sb to do sth做某事無害處 作及物動詞,表示「損害,傷害」。

5)trick:play a trick on sb=play sb a trick開某人的玩笑,詐騙某人 do/turn the trick達到(預期的)目的,獲得成功。 have a/the trick of doing sth(有)做……的習慣/癖好。 be up to tricks,be at one』s tricks玩鬼把戲,鬧惡作劇。trick可以做動詞,trick sb into doing騙某人去做某事 trick sb out of?騙取某人

6)memory是名詞,表示「記憶」時,接for而不接of。 復數形式memories可表示往事。 in memory of紀念,一般表示對死者的紀念。 lose one』s memory「失去記憶」,可能永遠也想不起來;而slip sb』s memory指一般想不起來,可能不知道什麼時候又想起。

7)admire作及物動詞,只能接名詞或者代詞作賓語,不能接賓語從句。admire to do高興做 admire sb for sth在某方面欽佩某人 admire at對??感到羨慕,對??感到驚訝

8)look forward to盼望,期待 push one』s way forward擠著向前走 come forward走出來 put forward提出 backward and forward來回。

9)take place 表示「發生」有計劃的,有目的的,有準備的發生,是不及物動詞,無賓語,不能用於被動語態。區別take place,happen,break out:take place有計劃的發生,多指運動,變化,進步,會議,婚禮等;happen偶然發生或者意外事件的發生;break out表示「突然發生,爆發」,強調出人意料,多指地震,火災,火山,戰爭,疾病,瘟疫等的突然發生。 take one』s place表示「代替某人,執政,上台」。 take the place of表示「取代,代替」。

10)Apologize:apologize to sb for doing sth因為做了某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb for doing sth道歉。

11)set off:「出發,起程」,還可以表示「使爆炸,激發」。有關set的 短語 :

set up建立,樹立,創立;set forth出發,起程,公布;set out開始,著手,出發;set about

著手,試圖,開始;set fire to點火;set to doing sth開始做某事;set…aside把……放在一邊;set sth down記下來;set …free將……釋放

12)as though :表示「好像,似乎」,引導的從句謂語動詞多用於虛擬語氣。如果as though

從句中所敘述的情況是事實或有可能發生,也可用於陳述語氣。其後面除了跟 句子 外,還可以跟名詞,動詞不定式,形容詞(短語),介詞短語或分詞。還可以表示感嘆語氣,來對某項建議、假設或推測表示不贊成,驚訝,不滿和厭惡等。







5)play a trick on sb



8)look forward to

9)take place


11)set off

12)as though


1、Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year.節日是專門用來慶祝一年的重要時刻的。

2、Discuss when they take place,what they celebrate and what people do at that time.討論它們(中國節日)是什麼時間舉行,慶祝的是什麼事件,人們在那天做什麼事。

3....who might return either to help or to do harm.??(祖先們)有可能回到世上(給人們)提供幫助,也有可能帶來危害。

4....people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.??人們要掃墓、燒香,以緬懷祖先。

5....because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth.??因為他們認為這樣做將會把祖先引回到世上。

6....the leader who helped gain Indias independence from Britain.??幫助印度從英國手中贏得獨立的領導。

7.Festivals let us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.節日讓我們享受生活、以我們的習俗而自豪並且讓我們暫時忘掉工作。

8.But she didnt turn up.但她沒來。

9.He would drown his sadness in coffee.他將把他的悲傷淹沒在咖啡里。

10....he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不再凝神靜氣等著她道歉。




1.He traveled around the country g________ facts about folk songs.

2.The man said he would rather s________ than betray for food.

3.The o________of the custom is unknown.

4.We have g________ rich experience in these years.

5.Our school a_________Tom for his good work.


shop assistant 營業員

charge sb money for sth為某事向某人索價

charge sb with sth 控告某人…

take charge of 接管,控制

in charge of sth負責,掌管,

in the charge of sb 在某人的掌管下

keep calm 保持冷靜 make sure 確保

set an example to sb 給某人樹立榜樣

rather than 而不是 …

consult sb about sth 向某人請教

quarrel with sb about sth就某事與某人爭吵

make up 編造 make out 聽出,看出

go into detail(s)討論,細談

speak up 大聲的說, 大膽的說出

sit up 坐直

the instant = as soon as =the moment

=the minute / second一…就

turn up 露面, 到達

make an appointment with sb 與某人約會

believe in 信任,信仰 turn over 反轉

pay off 成功, 帶來好的結果, 還清借款

overcome difficulty 克服困難

inspect an illegal business 調查一個非法交易

as long as = so long as 只要

high quality reports 高質量的報道

keep up with 跟上, 趕上 in case 萬一

pay attention to sth 注意

work out 計算, 找到…的答案, 做運動

the number of …的數量

according to 依據,按照

a variety of 種.種, 各種各樣

leave …behind 留下,遺忘,

without doubt 毫無疑問

1). I doubt whether/ if he』ll keep his promise.

2). I don』t doubt that he』ll keep his promise.

3). Do you doubt that he』ll keep his promise.

4). There is some doubt whether he』ll succeed.

5). There is no doubt that he』ll succeed.

6). Is there any doubt that he』ll succeed.

envy sb sth 羨慕,嫉妒某人某物

the envy of sb 另人羨慕的…

e to =because of = owing to= on account of 由於

in addition 此外

have a positive attitude to / towards 對…有積極的態度

frankly speaking 老實說, 說實話

lay off 裁員, 解僱 aside from 除…之外

fail to do sth 未能做, 失敗

graate from 從… 畢業

get promoted 被提升, 升職

go blank 一片空白

swell with anger/ regret 充滿憤怒/ 遺憾

suspect sb of (doing) sth 懷疑某人做某事

bring a lump to one』s throat 喉頭哽咽

dream of 夢想做 set up 創建

go up 上升,上漲 switch off 關掉

contribute to 對…有貢獻, 有助於

participate in 參加

place the importance on sth 把重點放在…

give preference to 給…以優惠, 優待

loose conct 行為不檢點,行為不端

to a certain extent 在某種程度上

catch up on sth 補做, 趕做

fall behind落後 put off 推遲

take up 拿起,開始從事,占據

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★ 高中英語知識點總結與歸納

Ⅵ 職高英語知識點



1. An用於母音前,注意:a useful book a university

the+姓氏s 表示一家人 謂語用復數

樂器前加the violin guitar piano

2. Too表示也,否定句用either。

Either 表示兩者中的一個,any 任一

Neither 兩者都不 none 三者三者以上

Both 兩者都 all 三者或三者以上

3. Two thirds 三分二,分子大於一,分母加s

4. 雙重所有格 a friend of mine/jack』s

5. 具體某一天/某一天的某個時刻用 on

時間點用at, 長時間用in

6. You』d better後面用動詞原形 you』d better not do

7. 定語從句找先行詞,能直接放後面的用that或which, 要加介詞的用where,when, why.

8. 時間狀語從句、條件狀語從句,主將從現;主祈從現;主情從現 Eg: If it rains tomorrow, we won』t go to the park.

9. 現在完成時 have/has+過去分詞v-ed,標志性的詞 for, since, already,yet. Since後面跟的謂語用過去時。

10. What/how/when可加to do.

11. Whose後面一定加名詞

12. Mustn』t 表示禁止; 用must 提問,否定回答用needn』t或 don』t have to.

13. Few可數,幾乎沒有 A few 可數, 一些

Little 不可數,幾乎沒有 A little 不可數, 一些

14. 聽hear、觀see,watch、感feel、使make,have、讓let、幫help, 後面跟原形動詞或v-ing表示正在進行的動作;被動語態中to要還原。

15. 被動語態 be+過去分詞v-ed

現在進行時 be+v-ing

16. How long 多久 how often 問頻率 How far 多遠

17. Spend….in doing sth/on sth.花…做某事

18. Finish/keep/be busy/mind/look forward to/suggest + v-ing Eg. I spend two hours in finishing doing my homework.

19. agree, ask, choose, decide, forget, hope, learn, want, wish, would like後都可以加to do sth.

want/ask/tell *** . not to do sth.

20. 祈使句的否定句為 Don』t do sth.

21. Not only…but also; neither…nor;either…or, there be句型就近原則

22. It』s+adj+for/of *** . To do sth. 對某人而言做某事很…

23. It/This/That is +名詞+that… 強調句

24. It takes/took *** . Some time to do sth. 花某人多長時間做某事


25. 句中出現than用比較級

The more…, the more….越來越

Better and better 越來越

26. 兩者之間進行比較, 比較級前面有要加the. Eg. My bag is the *** aller of that two.

27. Too many/much+名詞 Much too+形容詞

28. Three thousand 三千 thousands of 成千上萬 同理的有

hundred million

29. The number of 後面的謂語動詞用單數

A number of 後面的謂語動詞用復數

30. 系動詞後面跟形容詞be, bee, feel, get, keep, look, seem,

*** ell, sound,turn

31 反義疑問句 前肯後否,前否後肯,特別注意主句是否含有否定的詞,如no, never, hardly. Let』s引導的句子的反義疑問句用shall we? 注意包含have的句子的反義疑問句

Eg. They have bread for breakfast today, don』t they?

They have been to Shanghai, haven』t they?

32. too…to+原形動詞 so…that+句子 太…而不能

33. 表示到達的三個詞, get to; arrive at/in; reach.

34. stop to do sth. 停下來去做某事

Stop doing sth. 停止做某事

35. so do I 我也是 so I do 是啊 Neither do I 我也不 36 有連字元的詞為形容詞,不加s. a two-year-old girl

37 帶有-ed的形容詞,表示人的內在;-ing的形容詞,用來形容事物。 38 give me some advice給我一些建議,advice是個不可數名詞,suggestion是可數

39.Good enough.足夠好,形容詞放在enough之前;名詞房子enough

之後,enough water足夠的水

40. neither of +復數名詞+動詞單數

41 There be句型的將來時,there will be 或者是there is going to be

42. not…until 直到…才

43 two hours』 walk 兩小時的步行路程

44. 不定代詞放在形容詞前面 something important 一些重要的事

45. 不可數名詞變復數在量詞後加s two glasses of water

46. 感嘆句 what 修飾名詞 how 修飾形容詞a、副詞

what a good student! How good a student!

47. so修飾形容詞,such修飾名詞 such a good student

48. prefer doing to doing prefer sth. To sth

49. 賓語從句用陳述句語序,解題方法:選項中去掉疑問詞,剩下為正常語序,即句首不能為do, did, have, had, be動詞。

50. 現在完成時表示狀態經常出現been加延續性動詞的過去分詞 Have been dead/on/in/away from borrow---keep buy--have

Ⅶ 高中英語語法知識點整理總結



★ 高一英語必修一語法知識 ★

★ 高考英語作文萬能句子 ★

★ 高三英語復習計劃範文 ★

★ 英語作文熱點話題及範文 ★

高中英語語法重要知識點 :不定冠詞



a university in Asia


A cat has nine lives.


I know a John Lennon,but not the famous one.


He has a daughter.

4. 表示單位數量的每一

I earn 10 dollars an hour.


The two birds are of a color.

6. 用於集體名詞前

He grows up in a large family.

7. 在某種情況下可用於抽象名詞和物質名詞前

China has a long history.

高中英語語法知識點整理 總結 : 定冠詞的用法



主要指各種天體及世界上比較有影響的物體。The sun,the moon,the earth

3.表示地點、方向、時間、方式等 at the corner 在拐角處

1) 在表示季節的名詞前常不用冠詞。In spring 在春天

2) 具體某年的某個季節,需用冠詞。In the summer of the year2008

3)用於序數詞或形容詞的最高級前 the first the second

4)用於形容詞前使其名詞化 the rich the poor

5)用於復數姓氏前,表示―夫婦‖或全家 The Smiths

6)用於樂器名詞前 Play the piano

7)用於by+the+計量單位名詞 By the pound

1. 用於復數名詞前

復數名詞泛指某類人或物時,其前通常用零冠詞。Students should obey the school rules. 學生應該遵守校規。復數名詞若需特指,則要加定冠詞。The students are too lazy. 這些學生太懶。

2. 用於不可數名詞前

不可數名詞表示泛指時,其前通常用零冠詞。如:Bread is made from flour. 麵包是用麵粉做的。

Wood is a poor conctor of sound. 木頭是聲音的不良導體。不可數名詞若需特指,則要加定冠詞。

He sawed the wood into three pieces. 他把木頭鋸成三塊。



Mr Smith is our English teaches us English. 史密斯先生教我們英語。在特殊情況下,若專有名詞需要特指,也可加定冠詞。如:The Smith you『re looking for no longer lives here.

4. 用於抽象化的可數名詞前

有些可數名詞抽象化後表示表示的活動,其前通常零冠詞。Jim has gone to bed. 吉姆已上床睡覺了。

She goes to church every Sunday. 她每周星期天都去做禮拜。

這類主要涉及bed, church, class, college, school, university, work, hospital, prison, market, sea, town等。另外,這類名詞前用不用冠詞有時與英美英語的表達習慣有關。如:―住院‖在英國英語中通常說成 in hospital,而在美國英語中則通常說成in the hospital;類似的還有go to university (英)上大學 / go to the university (美)上大學;at table (英)在吃飯 / at the table (美)在吃飯。

5. 用於職務及頭銜前

當表示職務及頭銜的名詞用作表語、補足語及同位語時,其前通常用零冠詞。如:Wilson became President of the U. S. A. 威爾遜當了美國總統。He will be made captain of the football team. 他將被選為 足球 隊隊長。

6. 在表示學科、語言、三餐、月份、季節、節假日、星期等名詞前,通常用零冠詞。

We are all interested in physics. 我們大家都對物理感興趣。

7. 用於某些固定結構中

go to sea 去當水手 at home 在家 at night 在晚上 at least 至少

at most 至多 at first 首先 at last 最後 in bed 在床上

on foot 步行 face to face 面對面



一、 it的用法


John likes playing Ping pong./ He always does it in the afternoon.(指代上下文提到的事物); /It's time we went home. / How far is it from here to your home ? / It is getting warmer and warmer./ It's very quiet at the moment.(可指時間、天氣、環境等) 2.引導詞


It's important for us to learn a second language./ It's no use talking to him./ It's known to all that the earth goes round the sun.


We feel it our ty to help others./ He made it clear that he would leave the city. C.強調結構:It is (was) +被強調部分+that (或who)…

注意:在強調結構中,如被強調部分為時間狀語或地點狀語,其後的連接詞也絕不能為when 或where,而應用that 。在復習中,一定要注意句式的不同。It was in Shanghai that I bought the guitar.(that引起強調句) It was Shanghai where I bought the guitar.(where引起定從)

It was twelve o'clock when we arrived there.(when引起時間狀語從句) It was at twelve o'clock that we arrived there.(that 引起強調句)

3. it,one,that 的區別:作為代詞,這三個詞的對比使用是高考的 熱點 之一。—Why don't we take a little break? —Didn't we just have __________? A.it B.that C.one D.this

The Parkers bought a new house but _________will need a lot of work before they can move in. A.they B.it C.one D.which

one 用以指代同類事物中的任一,that 特指性強,指代可數與不可數詞,而it指代上文提過的同一事物。

二、 關系代詞


1)which可以引導非限定性定語從句,代表前面整個 句子 的內容,並且在從句中做主語 2)that的用法 1)不用that的情況

a) 在引導非限定性定語從句時。b) 介詞後不能用。

We depend on the land from which we get our food. We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.

2) 只能用that作為定語從句的關系代詞的情況 a) 在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。

b) 在不定代詞,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行詞時,只用that,不用which。

c) 先行詞有the only, the very修飾時,只用that。d) 先行詞為序數詞、數詞、形容詞最高級時,只用that。. e) 先行詞既有人,又有物時。


All that is needed is a supply of oil. 所需的只是供油問題。

Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. 那賊最終把偷的全部東西交給了警察。

3) as的用法

AS作關系代詞,用來引導定語從句:限制性定語從句和限非制性定語從句 一、AS引導限制性定語從句

AS引導限制性定語從句時,通常和such, the same, as(so)等連用,構成such...as/such as, the same...as/the same as, as(so)...as等結構,在從句中可作主語,賓語和表語。

1.such...as/such as意為―...的那種...,像那樣的‖,such...as/such as引導限制性定語從句時,既可指人,也可指物。such用於名詞之前時,具有形容詞性質;such單獨使用(即後面不接名詞)時,具有代詞性質。

Don『t trust such men as praise you to your face.(as作主語) 不要相信那種當面吹捧你的人。

You should read only such books as you can understand without much difficulty.(as作賓語) 你應當只讀那些你讀起來不太難懂的書。

Associate with such as will improve your manners.(as作主語) 要和能改善你的言行的那種人結交。

2.the same...as/the same as意為―與...同樣的‖,和such一樣,the same既有形容詞作用,又有代詞性質。

We have arrived at the same conclusion as they have.(as作賓語) 我們已得出和他們同樣的結論。

比較:the same...as和the same...that不同,前者是―同那一個相似‖,後者是―正是那一個‖。如:

This is the same watch as I lost. 這同我丟的那塊表一樣。

This is the same watch that I lost? 這正是我丟的那塊表。

3.as(so)...as意為―和...一樣‖,後接由many, much等修飾的名詞或由形容詞修飾的單數名詞,注意其語序為as(so)+adj.+a+n+as,如:It『s as pleasant a film as I have ever seen. 這是一部和我以往看的同樣好的電影。

As many soldiers as marched were killed. 很多遊行的戰士都被殺了。

注意:such ...as與such...that ,so...as與 so...that的區別:that是連詞,引出結果狀語從句,在從句部分不作成分;as是關系代詞,引出定語從句,在從句中可作主語,賓語和表語。比較:He is such a nice boy that everyone likes him. He is such a nice boy as everyone likes.

It is so difficult a problem that nobody can work it out. It is so difficult a problem as nobody can workout.



As we all know, Taiwan belongs to China. Taiwan, as we all know, belongs to China. Taiwan belongs to China, as we all know. 注意下面的習慣用法:

as is well discussed 正如已討論過的

as is often said 正如通常所說 as is often the case 通常就是這樣 as has been pointed 正如所指出的那樣 as has been said before 如上所述 as often happens 如同經常所發生的那樣 as might be expected正如所料 as is well known to all眾所周知

在多數情況下,從句中的謂語助動詞可以省略 as explained before 如前面所解釋的 as mentioned above 如前面所提到的 as shown in the figure 如圖所示 as seen from the table 從表中可以看出 as already discussed 正如已討論過的


一) . some 與 any 的用法

1. some 用於肯定句以及表示建議或期待得到肯定回答的問句。修飾單數名詞時,意為某個。如:

I have some questions about the assignment. (希望得到肯定答復)。

2. any 用於否定句和疑問句時,表示一些。用於肯定句時,只和單數名詞或不可數名詞連用,表示任何。如:

The medicine is on sale every where. You can get it at any chemist?s. 二) . each 與 every 的用法

1. each 強調個體,表示兩個或兩個以上中的每一個,在句中可充當主語、賓語、定語和同位語。如:

There are trees and flowers at each side of the road.

2. every 強調整體,表示三者或三者以上中的每一個,只能作定語,不能說 every of them ,要說 every one of them .

Every student in our class works hard. 三 . no one 與 none 的用法

1. no one 意為沒有人,只能指人,不能指物,不可與介詞 of 連用,謂語動詞用單數形式,回答 who 引導的問句。如:Who is in the classroom? No one.

2. none 既可指人,也可指物,強調數量,意為一點也不,一個也不;謂語動詞既可用單數也可用復數;常與 of 連用,通常指三者以上的人或物中沒有一個,回答 how much 和 how many 引導的問句。如:

They were all tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest. 四 . other, another, others, any other, the other 的用法

1. other 表示泛指,意為另外的、 其它 的。常與復數名詞或不可數名詞連用。如果其前有 the, this, some, any, each, every, no, one 以及形容詞性物主代詞時,其後就可接單數名詞。如:I have no other place to go.

2. another 常用於指三者或三者以上中的另外一個,泛指單數。可單獨使用,也可後接名詞。如果其後接復數名詞,則表示又、再、還。如:This cap is too small for me. Show me another (one)。We need another three assistants in our shop.

3. others :它是 other 的復數形式,表示泛指,意為別的人或物,但不指全部。特指時在其前加定冠詞;前面可加任何限定詞以及數量詞。如:He has more concern for others than for himself.

4. any other 表示一個之外的其他任何一個,而不是兩個之中的另一個。如:China is larger than any other country in Asia.

5. the other :表示兩者中的另外一個。可單獨使用,也可接單數名詞。如:No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.

. all 與 both 的用法 均表示都,但 all 表示三者以上的人或物, both 則表示兩個人或物。二者都表示肯定意義,如果與 not 連用時,則表示部分否定。

. neither 與 either 的用法 都可用於表示兩個人或物。neither 表否定意義,意為(兩者中的每一個)都不;而 either 表肯定意義,意為(兩者中的每一個)都。都可單獨使用,也可同介詞 of 連用。如:Both teams were in hard training; neither willing to lose the game. Do you want tea or coffee? Either. I really don't mind.

高中英語語法的 學習 方法


其次,對於單詞,有如下幾種方法,第一個,是加強記憶的頻度,也就是說,早上記了幾個,隔幾個小時又看一次,總之一天之內,記憶的間隔不要太長,否則你辛苦積累的記憶會隨著時間的延長而淡化,第二個,是可以根據自己的理解編 順口溜 ,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(見笑了)…,第三個,最重要的是,記單詞的時候,不要忘了閱讀,一邊記單詞,一邊看 文章 ,這樣可以把孤立的單詞串聯起來,記憶的效果會加倍,第四個。

我建議你記單詞要分門別類記憶,要形成一個意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……這樣做在你寫作時,是十分有好處的,寫作時不要盡寫一些低級詞彙,你要寫高級詞彙,比如重要性寫magnitude,許多寫a multitude of 或者handsome。


★ 高中英語語法歸納整理

★ 高中英語語法總結

★ 高中英語語法歸納總結

★ 高一英語語法知識點總結

★ 高一英語語法知識點總結(2)

★ 高二英語語法知識點

★ 高三英語的語法知識點歸納

★ 高中英語的語法知識總結

★ 高中英語的知識點歸納

★ 高中必備英語知識點歸納

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Ⅷ 高一英語第一單元總知識點歸納

要音、形、義放在一起記,而不是分開的,要朗讀。英語有一個顯著的特點就是讀,要讀得響,讀得快,讀得瘋狂,這樣,人就激奮,大腦皮層處於活躍的狀態,更容易記憶。這種 方法 的確有用,不妨試試。以下是我給大家整理的 高一英語 第一單元總知識點歸納,希望大家能夠喜歡!




1.I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny.


(1)這是一個含有 that 引導的賓語從句的復合句.請注意漢語與英語在表示否定時位置的不同.在英語中,有一種否定轉移現象,主句在形式上是否定的,而在意義上實際上是否定從句.這種情況常出現在think,believe,imagine,suppose 等作主句謂語的 句子 中.

e.g.I don』t suppose he cares,does he?我看他不在乎,對吧?

She doesn』t believe he is at school.她認為他不在學校.

(2)當主句的謂語動詞是think,believe 等與情態動詞連用時,不存在否定轉移.

e.g.We couldn』t believe he was at home.我們真不能相信他當時在家.

We didn』t believe he was at home.我們認為他不在家.

(3)find+賓語+賓補,賓補可以是名詞,形容詞,過去分詞,現在分詞,動詞不定式,介詞 短語 ,副詞等.

Will you find Mary her tennis racket?你願意替瑪麗找一找 網球 拍嗎?

We found him (to be) dishonest.我們覺得他不誠實.

He found the door closed.他發現門被關上了.

He found a wallet lying on the ground.他發現一隻錢包躺在地上.

I find it difficult to understand him.我覺得難以理解他.

2.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.在喜劇中,喜劇演員同其他演員的共同之處是玩文字游戲.


(2)have...in common(with)意思是「與……有共同之處」.

She has nothing in common with her sister.她和姐姐毫無共同之處.

(3)in common 意思是「公有,公用」.

They two own the factory in common.他倆共有這家工廠.

3.I cycled as fast as I could.我盡可能快地騎.

(1)as fast as...意思是「盡可能快地……」.as...as意思是「如同……一樣」,表正面比較,第一個as為副詞,修飾中間的形容詞和副詞,第二個as後接名詞時,作介詞用;接從句時是連詞,從句常為比較狀語從句.否定形式是not so/as...as...意思是「不如……那樣……」,「沒有……那麼……」.

It is as white as snow.像雪一樣白.

I am as tall as you (are).我跟你一般高.


e.g.I cycled in front of him.我騎車繞到他的前面.

Last night,I watched a cycle race.昨晚,我觀看了一場自行車比賽.

I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist.我不得不拚命剎車,結果撞上了另一個騎車的人.

4.I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him.



e.g.He is so kind that I like him very much.他是如此和善,以至於我很喜歡他.

(2)go up to意思是「走上前去」,由so構成的短語:

go in for從事於,酷愛go all out全力以赴go against違背go ahead前進

All things went well.萬事大吉.


1.right away毫不遲疑,立刻

2.It seemed as if the world was at an end.世界似乎到了末日。


① It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起來好像…

② Sb./Sth.looks as if/though…

③ There seems/appears(to be)…

There appears to have been a mistake.

2.in ruins.變為廢墟


4.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

5.under the weight of在……重壓下,迫於

6.in the open air在戶外,在野外,露天

7.take turns to do sth依次,輪流做某事

in turn依次地,輪流地

8.be shocked at對……感到震驚

9.be proud of以……為自豪

10.express one』s thanks to sb/for sth…對/因……表示感謝

11.without warning毫無預兆

12.next to緊接著,相鄰,次於

13.get away from…避免,擺脫,離開

14.disaster-hit areas災區

15.Listening to English is a very important skill because it is only when we understand what is said to us that we can have a conversation with somebody.


16.It is believed that人們認為…

17.hold up舉起;托住;支撐列舉,推舉

18.make up彌補,虛構,整理,和解,化妝,拼湊

19.be trapped in被困於…

20.It is said that…據說...

21.be fixed to…被固定到……

22.be tied to…被綁在……


【Body language知識點】


1. statement; n. 陳述;說明

state-vt. 陳述;敘述;聲明


greeting –n敬禮,致意

greetings 問候語 ,致詞


representative -n. 代表

4.. association;n. 社團;聯系;聯想

associate;vt. 使發生聯系, 使聯合

adj. associated聯合的, 關聯的

5. curious adj. 好奇的

curiously adv. 好奇地

6.dormitory –n 宿舍

7. approach;vi.&vt.接近;靠近


approachable -adj. 可到達的;可親近的

8. defend -vt. 保護;保衛

defense- n. 防衛;防衛設備;防禦

9. major--adj. 主要的

minor --adj. 較小的;次要的

10.dash-v 猛沖,突進.

11.misunderstand-vt. 誤解;誤會

misunderstanding -n. 誤解;誤會

understanding --n. 諒解, 理解


adj 成人的,成熟的

13. spoken- adj. 口語的

unspoken-adj. 非口語的;未說出口的

14. function-n 作用,動能,只能 v-起作用,運轉

15.likely-- adj. 可能的

16.false—adj 錯誤的,假的 true 真的,正確的

17.ease--n. 安逸;舒適vt.減輕(痛苦;憂慮)

easeful--adj.舒適的, 安逸的

18. truly-- adv. 真實地;真誠地;真正地

true--adj. 真實的, 真正的

19. anger- n. 怒氣;怒火

angry-- adj. 生氣的


1. defend against保衛…以免受

2.intruce sb tosb 向某人介紹某人

3.kiss sb on somepart親吻某人的某個部位

4.in defence 防禦,保障

5.together with 與某人一起

6.be likely to 很可能…;有希望…

7.reach one』s hand out to sth 把手伸出來取某物

8.on the contrary 相反

9.nod at sb 向某人點頭

10.greet sbwith/by 通過…向某人問候

11.express one』s feelings表達某人的感情

12. in general 總的來說;通常

13.at a job fair 在求職會上

14.be nervousabout 對…感到緊張

15. at ease 舒適;快活;自由自在

16. lose face丟臉

17.turn one』s back to 背對;背棄

18.turn one』s head away 把頭轉過去

19.be willing to 渴望…. , 願意….

20. look upsetabout sth 對.. 感到沮喪


1. I saw several young people enter thewaiting area looking around curiously.


2. The firstperson to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smithfrom Britain.第一個到達的是從哥倫比亞來的托尼?加西亞,隨後緊跟著的是英國的茱莉亞?史密斯。

3. She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.


4. Not allcultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the sameway with

touching ordistance between people.

各種 文化 背景下的人互致問候的方式不盡相同,身體接觸和相互間距的程度也不盡相同。

5. We can often bewrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each otheras well as we do.


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